12. huhtikuuta 2015

Google Scholar:in avulla löytyneitä tutkimuksia, tulevaisuuden tummat amerikkalaiset ja jotain muutakin

Katselin Google Scholar:sta tutkimuksia käyttämällä useita hakusanoja esim. height hair color mating preferences traits attractiveness, jonka tuloksena löytyi paljon mielenkiintoisia tutkimuksia, joista monia en ole ennen nähnyt, koska esim. moni tutkimus hukkuu hakutuloksiin ellei käytä tarkkoja ja erilaisia hakusanoja.

Lisäilen alle vastaan tulleita tutkimuksia ja näitä tutkimuksia lukiessa kannattaa muistaa, ettei yhden tutkimuksen perusteella voi tehdä yleistyksiä, mutta jos vaikka tutkimukset kertovat yleisesti miesten tykkäävän vaaleammasta ihonväristä naisella, niin silloin se on selvä juttu.

Tässä on kuitenkin kyse keskimäärästä tai suuresta osasta miehiä, että tietenkin löytyy miehiä, jotka voivat tykätä huomattavan tumman ihonvärin omaavista naisista, mutta lopulta parinvalinnassa on kyse myös muista tekijöistä kuin ihonväristä.

Tulen myös laittamaan vähän poimintoja vanhoista tutkimuksista vaikka niissä voi olla vanhentunutta tietoa, koska kauneusihanteissa tapahtuu pieniä muutoksia, mutta kyllä nähtävästi hyvin vanhoistakin tutkimuksista löytyy havaintoja, jotka pätevät tähänkin päivään.

Muistaakseni jossain tutkimuksessa on kritisoitu alla olevia kuvia, koska ne näyttävät hyvin eurokeskisiltä, että miltä amerikkalaiset tulevaisuudessa maahanmuuton ja monietnisten parisuhteiden jälkeen näyttävät.

Onhan se selvää, että amerikkalaiset tai muutenkin länsimaalaiset ovat muuttumassa ulkonäöltään keskimäärin tummemmiksi, joka näkyy suurella osalla ihmisistä esim. ruskeina silminä vaikka tiettävästi 50-vuotta sitten suurella osalla Yhdysvalloissa syntyneillä vauvoilla oli muut kuin ruskeat silmät.


Monet varmasti näkevät yllä olevat naiset kauniina myös senkin takia, että he edustavat tulevaisuuden haave maailmaa, jossa eri etniset ryhmät ovat sekoittuneita ja näyttävät yleisesti yllä olevilta. Eipä kaikki tule näyttämään vaan tulevaisuudessa on myös kaikenlaista rumaa ja kaunista ulkonäköä, mutta alla voi nähdä kuvassa taas ukrainalaisen kuvaajan Vitaly Valuan mallin, jota voi verrata kuvankäsittelyohjelmassa yllä oleviin ja huomata kasvojen olevan hyvin samankaltaiset.

Tämän takia yllä olevien naisten ei välttämättä tarvitsisi paljoakaan muutoksia tehdä ulkonäköön, jotta näyttäisivät vieläkin enemmän alla olevalta värjäämällä hiukset vaaleiksi, vaalentamalla ihonväriä ja muuttamalla värilinsseillä tai laserilla silmien värit ei ruskeiksi. Tätä tietysti tekevät jo tänä päivänä monet naiset, joten tässä mielessä vaaleiden naisten määrä ei ole suuresti vähentymässä vaikkei ulkonäkö olisi geneettistä.

Lähde - Alkuperäinen kuva
The effect of hair color alternation on tip earnings by restaurant waitresses working in a prominent restaurant chain was examined. Waitresses record various control variables and tip incomes for 60 days in which period they switch their hair colors between blonde and other ones. Various model analyses show an interaction between hair color and tip earnings. It is documented, both statistically and economically, that non-blonde Caucasian females earn significantly more tips after dying their hair blonde in a real world work setting. These results have clear and present implications for labor and behavior economics.
75 undergraduate males provided ratings of the attractiveness of each of the females. Positively correlated with attractiveness ratings were the neonate features of large eyes, small nose, and small chin; the maturity features of prominent cheekbones and narrow cheeks; and the expressive features of high eyebrows, large pupils, and large smile.
Results revealed that Chinese women ranked Caucasian male and female models as more attractive. Chinese men, however, did not differentially rank East Asian and Caucasian women, though they did rank Caucasian men as being more attractive. We suggest that, while an evolutionary novelty, a process of globalization can still be linked to potentially adaptive preferences for physical attractiveness, and call for more research in this vein.
Results showed that the experimental manipulation of hair color frequency did not significantly influence hair-color attractiveness. However, there were sex differences in ratings: men rated blond hair as most sexually attractive and women rated both blond and brown hair equally as attractive as red hair. Self-reported natural hair color had weak but significant effects on hair color preferences, but these effects disappeared when we restricted analyses to participants of European descent only. Our findings do not support the hypothesis that men’s preferences for women’s hair color are negative frequency-dependent, favoring rare hair colors.
Results indicated sex differences in both likes and dislikes for all three features. Males indicated somewhat greater preference for lighter female coloration, while females indicated somewhat greater preference for darker male coloration. These results were discussed in terms of the “kernel of truth” hypothesis of stereotyping, and the possible relationship to earlier research on semantic meanings of color and gender words. Special attention was paid to the tremendous aversion of both sexes to redheads, and to the possible implications of the study for understanding the predominance of black male/white female couplings in black-white interracial marriage in contemporary America.
Symmetry may act as a marker of phenotypic and genetic quality and is preferred during mate selection in a variety of species. Measures of human body symmetry correlate with attractiveness, but studies manipulating human face images report a preference for asymmetry. These results may reflect unnatural feature shapes and changes in skin textures introduced by image processing. When the shape of facial features is varied (with skin textures held constant), increasing symmetry of face shape increases ratings of attractiveness for both male and female faces. These findings imply facial symmetry may have a positive impact on mate selection in humans.
Chinese men rated the attractiveness of back-posed female images varying in waist-to-hip ratio (WHR from 0.5–1.0). The 0.6 WHR figure was most preferred, followed by 0.7, while figures with higher ratios (0.9 or 1.0) were significantly less attractive. Study 5 rated the attractiveness of female skin color: men expressed a marked preference for images which were lighter in color, as compared to images of average or darker skin colors.
Multiple Fitness Model states that attractiveness varies across multiple dimensions, with each feature representing a different aspect of mate value. In the present study, male raters judged the attractiveness of young females with neotenous and mature facial features, with various hair lengths. Results revealed that the physical appearance of long-haired women was rated high, regardless of their facial attractiveness being valued high or low. Women rated as most attractive were those whose face displayed neotenous features in the center of the face (large eyes, small nose) and sexual maturity features, such as long head hair at the periphery.
Research in the area of facial attractiveness has examined the role of race in the perception of beauty, revealing that regardless of our own skin color, we tend to prefer light skin to dark skin in most matters of choice. Subsequently, the current research, utilizing morphed faces combined in varying degrees Black, White, and Asian facial characteristics, was expected to corroborate with past research by showing that participants found the “pure” White face the most attractive and the “pure” Black face the least attractive. Instead, participants found least attractive the “pure” Asian face. The results are discussed in terms of prior research with a focus on the concept of familiarity.
Darwin believed that racial differences in skin colour were caused by sexual selection. Available evidence suggests that in each society a lighter-than-average skin colour is preferred in a sexual partner. Such a preference would generate sexual selection for light skin that counteracts natural selection for dark skin. The observed latitudinal gradient in skin colour may result from the balance between natural and sexual selection.

Our results support the sexual imprinting hypothesis which states that children shape a mental template of their opposite-sex parents and search for a partner who resembles that perceptual schema. The fact that only the facial metrics of opposite-sex parents showed resemblance to the partner's face tends to rule out the role of familiarity in shaping mating preferences. Our findings also reject several other rival hypotheses. The adaptive value of imprinting-related human mating is discussed, and a hypothesis is made of why different facial areas are involved in males' and females' search for resemblance.
According to this theory, individuals who can afford the high costs of long hair are those who have good phenotypic and genetic quality. In accordance with this hypothesis, we found that only long and medium-length hair had a significant positive effect on ratings of women’s attractiveness; the other hairstyles did not influence the evaluation of their physical beauty. Furthermore, these two hairstyles caused a much larger change in the dimension of health than in the rest of the dimensions. Finally, male raters considered the longer-haired female subjects’ health status better, especially if the subjects were less attractive women. The possible relationships between facial attractiveness and hair are discussed, and alternative explanations are presented.
Women seeking donors valued good genes more and partner potential less than women seeking partners. Younger women sought greater degree of physical resemblance to donors than to partners. Older women showed greater desire to be similar to partners than donors on sociocultural characteristics. The findings suggest women adjust their selection criteria as a function of context and that mate preferences may change as women mature.
Waitresses completed an on-line survey about their physical characteristics, self-perceived attractiveness and sexiness, and average tips. The waitresses’ self-rated physical attractiveness increased with their breast sizes and decreased with their ages, waist-to-hip ratios, and body sizes. Similar effects were observed on self-rated sexiness, with the exception of age, which varied with self-rated sexiness in a negative, quadratic relationship rather than a linear one. Moreover, the waitresses’ tips varied with age in a negative, quadratic relationship, increased with breast size, increased with having blond hair, and decreased with body size.
Women were more attracted to men higher in dispositional mindfulness, beyond the effects of physical attractiveness. Men were more attracted to women who were more physically attractive, but female mindfulness did not influence male initial attraction. This is the first study to examine the role of dispositional mindfulness in predicting initial romantic attraction.
Across decades and cultures, researchers have found that men prefer physical attractiveness in their romantic partners more than women do, whereas women prefer social status and resources in their partners more than men do. From an evolutionary perspective, these sex differences are important as they reflect hypothesized psychological mechanisms that evolved in response to different adaptive challenges faced by ancestral men and women. Social psychologists, however, have recently challenged the validity of mate preferences and thus, this evolutionary perspective. Indeed, recent speed-dating studies (e.g., Eastwick & Finkel, 2008) and a meta-analysis (Eastwick, Luchies, Finkel, & Hunt, 2014) demonstrate that the sexes respond similarly to physical attractiveness and earning prospects in potential mates encountered live, as well as in ongoing relationships.
This study aimed to use a budget allocation model to examine mate preference. 303 female respondents with a mean age of 21.75 years were asked about their preferences for someone to take on a blind date. They were presented with descriptions of 16 hypothetical men which they were asked to rate for personal choice and suitability. The hypothetical men differed on age (18 - 20 years vs. 30 - 33 years), social class (I/II vs. III/IV), ethnicity (Caucasian vs. Asian) and height (short/average from 5’6” to 5’8” and tall 6’1” to 6’3”). Overall females preferred younger, taller males from their own racial group and with a higher social class. Women showed a strong preference for men their own age, ethnicity and especially height.
Research has shown that faces which display a high resemblance to the father are judged as more attractive by women (Little et al., 2003) when women had a good relationship to their father (Wiszewska, 2007). However, research has also revealed that kin resemblance is not favored by women looking for a short-term relationship (DeBruine, 2005). This study was able to find that women rated men significantly more attractive when the resemblance from the father picture to a stimulus picture was high and the resemblance to the least similar picture was substantially lower.
The feminist movement purports to improve conditions for women, and yet only a minority of women in modern societies self-identify as feminists. This is known as the feminist paradox. It has been suggested that feminists exhibit both physiological and psychological characteristics associated with heightened masculinization, which may predispose women for heightened competitiveness, sex-atypical behaviors, and belief in the interchangeability of sex roles. If feminist activists, i.e., those that manufacture the public image of feminism, are indeed masculinized relative to women in general, this might explain why the views and preferences of these two groups are at variance with each other.
The present study examined the effect of feminist ascription on perceptions of the physical attractiveness of women ranging in body mass index (BMI). One-hundred and twenty-nine women who self-identified as feminists and 132 who self-identified as non-feminists rated a series of 10 images of women that varied in BMI from emaciated to obese. Results showed no significant differences between feminist and non-feminists in the figure they considered to be maximally attractive. However, feminists were more likely to positively perceive a wider range of body sizes than non-feminists. These results are discussed in relation to possible protective factors against the internalisation of the thin ideal and body objectification.

Google Scholar:in sivuilla mainostettiin uutta Google Scholar -painiketta laajennuksena Chrome nettiselaimeen, joten kävin pitkästä aikaa katsomassa Chromen sivustoa, josta voi näitä laajennuksia asennella, että itselläni on ImageZoomer ja Adblock Plus asennettuna.

En ole muihin laajennuksiin tarkemmin perehtynyt, että näyttää olevan paljonkin kaikenlaista, joista moni on varmasti turhaa, mutta etusivulta laitoin merkille Stardoll muotipelin. Olen aina välillä tuonut esille kuinka taiteessa ja peleissä voi myös tarkastella ihmisten ulkonäköä, joka näyttää usein vastaavan sellaista ulkonäköä, josta ihmiset näyttävät yleisesti tykkäävän.

Alla oleva peli näyttäisi olevan ruotsalaisten tekemä, mutta olisiko alla edessä afrikkalaistaustaista, eurooppalaista ja aasialaista edustavia naisia. Vaaleahiuksisen naisen osalta laitan merkille vähän ruskettuneen ihonvärin, mutta tällaisesta karoteenin värisestä ihonväristä näytetään länsimaissa nykyään paljonkin tykkäävän vaikka olettaisin aasialaisten peleissä naisten olevan yleisemmin vaaleampia ihonväriltään, mutta muuten ulkonäkö ei aina poikkea.



Lainauksen alapuolella olevan linkin kautta löytyvässä kirjoituksessa mainittiin Doven muutama vuosi sitten kohun aiheuttanut mainos, jossa voi nähdä kolme naista musta, sekarotuinen ja valkoinen nainen. Mikä tässä kuvassa on nähtävästi monia järkyttänyt on naisten takana olevat tekstit ennen ja jälkeen, jonka moni on tulkinnut sillä tavalla kuinka käyttämällä Doven tuotetta muuttuu nainen vaaleammaksi ja eurooppalaiseksi ulkonäöltään.

En ole tapaukseen tarkemmin perehtynyt, mutta olisiko tässä tapahtunut rasismia kaikkialla näkeville ajatusvirhe, koska siinä esitellään ihon muuttumista tasaiseksi, koska ennen kuvassa iho näyttäisi olevan ryppyinen. Tämä ei tietenkään poista sitä, etteikö antirasistit näkisi tästä huolimatta mainoksessa rasismia, koska valkoista naista ei laitettu vasemmalle, joten voidaan kai sanoa suvaitsevaisten olevan itse rasisteja.
According Alvarado (1996) and Perez (1996) Cubans do many negative evaluations towards African descent, from his speech to forms of social relationship. Alvarado added that Cubans show wishes skin whitening through marriages to white people, which agrees with the pattern of behavior of Bolivians, Peruvians and Ecuadorians according to Research by several authors (De la Torre, 1996; Perez-Ruiz, 2000; De la Puente, 2012).

I stared at the Dove ad for the longest and still can't see what's racial about it. The two palettes are the same color....just one has cracked skin and one doesn't Confused 
I agree a few of them I don't find racist.

Yllä olevaa mainosta Googlen kuvahaulla etsiessä tuli vastaan pari mainosta ihonvärin vaalentamisesta.

