I've been in the same mindset. I'm a very masculine looking, dark eyed-dark haired typical Mediterranean person who'd kill for lighter.. and much more feminine features. Or kill myself. I actually used to cry because I didn't inherit my mom's Swedish phenotypes.Lähde - 2
I just somewhat learned to not give a shit, at least the votes here for dark combos give me some hope.
Oh well, there's always going to be that Nordic (or ethnically ambiguous) blonde girl with light eyes bias in society, but there's plenty more who prefer darker colouring. Just gotta roll with it.
I'm tied between ice-blonde hair and dark brown/black hair, slightly wavy, long and flowing down to the shoulders. Either way, the girl would have deep blue eyes like the sea and pale skin.
However, what's most important to me is craniometry...I am most attracted to a girl exuding symmetry, and a phenotype similar to mine (I believe research has shown that we are subconscious narcissists, drawn towards faces like our own). My ancestry is English, Scottish and German, so hunting grounds for mates aren't hard to find.
Shirley Bassey - Goldfinger
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What's The Most Attractive Eye Color?How do you respond when people comment on your lighter complexion?
Netistä voi löytää myös äänestyksiä kauneudesta, mutta näiden tuloksia ei kannata ottaa todesta, koska äänestäjät voivat olla enimmäkseen länsimaalaisia, mutta toisaalta kyllä nämä äänestykset mahdollisesti kertovat siitä, että länsimaalaiset miehet tykkäävät eurooppalaisista naisista ja pitävät heitä myös kauneimpina, mutta tässä äänestyksessä voi havaita latinoiden olleen kakkosena ja aasialaisten kolmosena.
View Poll Results: Which race has best looking chicks in the world?
Löytyi äänestys, jossa on valittu monista maista seksikkäin mies ja nainen, joista kaikkein seksikkäimmäksi valittiin Shakira. Jälleen kerran ei näitä julkkis äänestyksiä kannata ottaa vakavasti, mutta hyvin eurokeskiseltä näyttää tämäkin äänestys. Kuten olen kertonut ovat monet kolumbialaiset naiset suosittuja tuolla MyFreeCams sivustolla, mutta merkittävä syy on näiden naisten suuri määrä sivustolla. Toisaalta on ollut mielenkiintoista havaita kuinka monet näistä kolumbialaisista naisista ovat huomattavan eurooppalaisia ulkonäöltään vaikka varmasti ovat jossain määrin sekoittuneita, mutta ainakin yhdessä tutkimuksessa on tuotu esille kolumbialaisten olevan keskimäärin enemmän geneettisesti eurooppalaisia taustaltaan, jonka voi jo todeta sillä, että heistä monet eivät näytä ulkonäöltään erityisesti mulateilta tai mestitseiltä.
The Top Ten Sexiest Nationalities for Women:Lähde
Colombian Famous Face: Shakira
Brazilian Famous Face: Camila Alves
American Famous Face: Jennifer Lawrence
Spanish Famous Face: Penelope Cruz
Russian Famous Face: Anne Vyalitsyna
Dutch Famous Face: Famke Janssen
French Famous Face: Eva Green
Bulgarian Famous Face: Nina Dobrev
Swedish Famous Face: Malin Akerman
Italian Famous Face: Carla Bruni
I was surprised to not see any form of black woman on the list. According to many black women on LSA white men all over the world have them at no. 1. Just the other day a black font on here said white men's love for black women is "trending".
The thing that gets me about that is, white guys themselves are never the one's saying this. Only black women. So yes, I was shocked that no type of black woman made the list.
Just another example of white men telling black women they don't place you high among women when it comes to looks, ONLY FOR LSA BLACK WOMEN TO SAY IT'S THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE. It's good to see what white guys themselves have to say on the matter.
Yes Im aware that it said "the world" and I think its obvious europeans view themselves as being the most attractive "in the world". Which is why I said this was made for europeans...and aimed at europeans. And theyve used it to tell you and themselves that they feel they are the top. Trust me they knew what they were doing when they said "sexiest in the world" and excluded everyone else.
Im only pointing at the uselessness of trying to tell another group how they must view themselves or how they should define attractiveness. No functioning group will ever take an outsider's opinion seriously.
All Im saying is that if this bothers blacks....then blacks need to make their own list declaring themselves the "sexiest in the world".