Depending on the nose shape, the face can look slightly different. Nose surgery can change the proportion of your entire face, and people could say "your nose looks great/cute" if your nose became higher. For those with a relatively short/flat nose bridge, raising the bridge can make your features more pronounced and attractive.Lähde
Google Scholar:sta etsin hakusanalla cosmetic surgery ja löytyi mielenkiintoisia tutkimuksia, joista alla olevassa lainauksessa voi nähdä kuinka edelleenkin kauneusihanne naisen nenän osalta on samankaltainen.
During the 1910s and early 1920s, the notion of an ideal feminine nose found a home in the press. According to a 1919 Post article, women undergoing nose reconstruction usually seek a “straight nose, following the Greek ideal of beauty” (Hubbard, 1919, p. SM6). This article further genders the nose by stating, “No woman can be really beautiful or attractive with a misshapen nose” (Hubbard, 1919, p. SM6). A similar statement about women and their noses was found in a 1925 NYT article that quotes surgeon J. Paul Fernel who said,Lähde
Time and again I have discovered that a woman‟s success in life has been determined by her nose. It is the most predominant feature she has, and it should be perfect… There is no longer any excuse for not being beautiful… The girl will be turned over to the plastic surgeon and all will be well. (“Synthetic Noses”, 1925, p. 1)
Löytyi uusi tutkimus nenästä, että millainen nenä on kaunis valkoisella naisella. Näissä tutkimuksissa yleensäkin kannattaa muistaa, että niitä ei välttämättä voi yleistää muihin etnisiin ryhmiin tai rotuihin kuuluviin. Jos tutkimuksessa on esim. kysytty vaikka eurooppalaisten miesten mielipidettä naisten nenistä ja tutkimuksessa miehet kertovat tykkäävän esim. leveydeltään pienestä nenästä ei tällöin pitäisi olla ihme, jos eurooppalaiset miehet eivät aina mustista naisista tykkää, koska heillä esiintyy keskimäärin leveämpää nenää.
Perfect female nose revealed - Lisätietoa
Alla on sitten uusi tutkimus, jossa tarkastellaan afroamerikkalaisille tehtäviä nenäleikkauksia ja alle poimin myös kuvan, jota ei välttämättä kannata yleistää, mutta nähdäkseni mustat miehet ovat useimmin paremman näköisiä kuin naiset, jonka takia ei ole ihme, jos valkoinen nainen pariutuu moninkertaisesti mustien kanssa. Täten en yhtään ihmettele, etteikö valkoisten naisten joukosta löydy paljon naisia, jotka haluaisivat pariutua alla olevan ensimmäisen miehen kanssa, kun taas miehiä useimmin ällöttää tuollaiset kasvonpiirteet naisella.
Fascinating! I've been good at recognizing the plastic surgery noses now. I'd say 90% of celebrities BLACK or WHITE or ASIAN get nose jobs. ALL their asses are frauding 'beauty'. If they at least said they got nose jobs that would be okay but they are always lying out their asses. These stupid fake celebrities are the reason why so many young girls have low self esteem. Is it self hate? Yes. Hatred of their own features. But not necessarily always self hate because of race -- most are trying to fit beauty mold not to look white but to have what is considered Golden Ratio beauty proportions.Lähde
Alla olevassa tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan nigerialaisten neniä ja niiden ulkonäöllistä eroa sukupuolten välillä, johon liittyen laitoin myös Feminine Beauty sivustolta löytyneen tutkimuksen koskien osaltaan eurooppalaisten nenän kaunista ulkonäköä.
Application of anthropometric data is valuable in forensic medicine, racial identification and plastic surgery. The white race have a narrow, long and high nose (leptorrhine), the blacks have wide and flat nose (platyrrhine) and Orientals have a medium sized nose in between the first two (mesorrhine). The nose may be evaluated by direct clinical measurements (morphometry), by photography (photogrammetry), lateral radiograph (cephalometry) or by a three dimensional (3D) scans and digitizers.Lähde - Gender and Nasal Shape: Measures for Rhinoplasty
The study included 63 white, black or racially mixed women -- 24 had undergone rhinoplasty and 39 wanted to change their nose through rhinoplasty. All of the women wanted la nariz perfilada, or a "well-formed nose" that is tall, slender and associated with being white, which is the so-called "gold standard" of rhinoplasty. All of the black or racially mixed women with broad, flat noses linked with African heritage wanted la nariz perfilada in an effort to improve their self-esteem by looking whiter.Lähde
Racial categories in Venezuela are defined predominantly according to skin color, a flexible system made possible through mestizaje, or racial mixing. On the surface, mestizaje seems to promote equality by encouraging racial and cultural fusion of European, Indian and African ancestry, but in practice, Venezuelan national heritage prioritizes light skin and European physical features, according to Gulbas.
"Rhinoplasty is offered by physicians and interpreted by patients as a resolution to body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem," Gulbas writes, but that thinking fails to acknowledge how perceptions of the self and body are strongly tied to racial marginalization. "Patients' efforts to alter the nose reveal attempts to change not only how the body looks, but how it is lived. As a result, cosmetic surgery only acts as a stop-gap measure to heighten one's self-esteem and body image."
There are HUGE differences between Asian and "Western" Rhinoplasty.Lähde
First off, the nasal features are completely different and this requires specific maneuvers or techniques that are used to address each of the differences.
Asian Rhinoplasty: Tend to have short nasal bones (don't lend well to huge bony changes or cuts to be made), depressed dorsum bridge, short nose, wide nasal tip, thick skin, weak cartilage, inadequate septal cartilage for use of grafts, inadequate tip projection (tip does not point out enough), round nostrils, nostrils which show too much on the front view, inadequate columella (area between the nostrils), and a tip which points up too much (over-rotated).
An African-American (AA) rhinoplasty is a nose performed on a patient of that ethnicity. Everyone's nose is different, but there are some common characteristics in different races.Lähde
The AA nose is commonly wide with large nostrils. The nasal bones are usually short, flat, and wide. The lower 2/3 cartilage structure is weak. The skin is commonly thick and oily.
Therefore the procedure is usually performed through an external of "open" approach using the patients own nasal septal cartilage (or other implants) to build up the structure of the nose. Techniques are then used to narrow the base of the nose, as well as the nasal bones.
The nose plays a central role in determining overall facial aesthetics. Not only does the nose occupy the geographic center of the face, but its prominent relationship to neighboring structures creates a visual emphasis to the observer. For these reasons, surgical alteration of the nose is one of the most common elective facial cosmetic procedures. For many patients, this surgical pursuit comes from a desire for a more “Caucasian” nose. One must be careful when considering the established paradigm for rhinoplasty. Worldwide, there is an emphasis on achieving the classically Caucasian features of a thin nasal bridge, slender nostrils, and straight or slightly convex nasal profile. These standards of beauty have been established by a primarily Caucasian-dominated medical literature and world economy. With this caveat in mind, we will discuss the considerations and techniques utilized to expertly address the female Caucasian rhinoplasty patient, a population with a great deal of nasal variability. In this chapter, the Caucasian patient will refer to those of European ancestry, although the anthropological definition may be extended to some of Middle Eastern and North African descent.Lähde
There are distinctive anatomical differences between the non-Caucasian (Platyrrhine, Mesorrhine) nose and the Caucasian (Leptorrhine) nose. In general, non-Caucasian patients requesting aesthetic rhinoplasty desire improvement and refinement of their noses with preservation of defining ethnic characteristics. Surgeons who perform rhinoplasty in this patient population must be familiar with the variations in nasal anatomy and implement augmentation rather than reduction techniques in order to achieve the desired aesthetic and functional outcome. A brief review is provided of recent historical trends in ethnic rhinoplasty, highlighting relevant anatomical differences and describing the authors’ strategy for addressing the challenges of ethnic rhinoplasty.Lähde