27. joulukuuta 2014

Vaihda rotu kauneusleikkauksella

Otsikolla viittaan australialaiseen dokumenttiin nimeltään Change My Race, jossa aiheena ovat kauneusleikkaukset, jotka tekevät monien mielestä ihmisistä enemmän länsimaalaisen näköisiä.

Dokumenttia juontaa aasialaisen näköinen nainen, joka kuitenkin paljastuu myöhemmin itsensä kertomana sekarotuiseksi eurasialaiseksi. Ulkonäkönsä takia nainen ei tunne itseään täysin australialaiseksi, koska Australiassa pidetään enemmän eurooppalaisen näköisiä ihmisiä australialaisina ja muut nähdään esim. ulkomaalaisina.

Tästä asiasta on aina välillä juttua myös Suomessa, että tuleeko maahanmuuttajasta tai sekarotuisesta koskaan aitoa suomalaista tai jotain sellaista, mutta totuus ainakin tällä hetkellä on siinä, että jos et omaa eurooppalaisille tyypillistä ulkonäköä ei sinua monet pidä aitona eurooppalaisena. Samaan tapaan, jos eurooppalainen muuttaa Kiinaan asumaan ei hänestä varmana tule aitoa kiinalaista vaan kiinalaiset tunnistavat hänet eurooppalaiseksi.

Dokumentissa tuodaan tyypilliseen tapaan esille kuinka valtaväestöllä on vaikutusta vähemmistöihin, jonka takia Australiassa monet aasialaiset naiset haluaisivat olla enemmän vaaleahiuksisen ja sinisilmäisen eurooppalaisen naisen näköisiä, koska heitä pidetään kaikkein kauneimpina ja seksikkäämpinä. Aasialaisilla on varsinkin ulkonäön osalta huolena nenän mataluus, silmien pienuus ja vartalon tyttömäisyys osaltaan pienten rintojen takia, että valkoisilla naisilla tahtoo olla keskimäärin pari kuppia suuremmat rinnat.

Dokumentissa tarkastellaan myös Etelä-Korean eurokeskisiltä vaikuttavia kauneusleikkauksia, joiden osalta aasialainen nainen toteaa kyse olevan länsimaiden valta-asemasta, joka vaikuttaisi haluun muokata ulkonäköään enemmän länsimaalaiseksi, eikä afrikkalaiseksi. Ajatus on jokseenkin typerä varsinkin ihonvärin ja kasvonpiirteiden takia, koska on vaikea kuvitella aasialaisen naisen haluavan leveämpää nenää ja tummaa ihonväriä vaikka eurooppalaiset olisivat mustia.

Asian women are turning to plastic surgery to look more caucasian

Koska tässä dokumentissa oli juttua ulkonäöstä ja roduista löytyi siihen liittyen The Unz Review sivustolta pari mielenkiintoista kirjoitusta Razib:lta ja Steve:ltä.
I suspect that this may also be an artifact of 23andMe appealing to genealogy hobbyists, whereas, say, elite African-Americans derive much of their eliteness from their ability to claim African ancestry so they aren’t in a hurry to pay money to find out how white they are: e.g., Professor Gates wasn’t all that excited to find out he’s about half white (if it had turned out he was all white, well, good-bye career).


As Sailer said, it’s pretty clear (there’s nothing whatever murky) that Whites in the US are effectively 100% White and non-Whites are very mixed. And this is no big surprise because almost all White genetic physical markers are recessive, so admixture by Whites with non-Whites produces something that does not look White and will not (absent great wealth or some other distinction) have a very strong likelihood of breeding with a White in the next generation, resulting in some sort of “bleaching” effect–in Mexico of course the “bleaching” has been much more dramatic among the upper crust and even there chances are low of anything like more than a 10% non-White component among the “Whites” of mexico.

Historically, the only option for a half-breed (White-Black, White-Indian) would be to breed with another non-White and thereby cement his descendents as non-White. The future obviously will be different as the proportion of 100% Whites (traditional Whites) is becoming smaller and smaller–very possibly, as in much of central and south America, there will be a much more flexible approach to Whiteness but all the time the upper crust will always be pressing for greater “bleaching” so that in the end I’m not sure that much will be different other than a country where nearly every White was 100% White will become a country where most Whites are merely 90% White.

The fact that so few Whites who thought they had “Indian” blood turn out to have anything exotic about them is pretty hilarious, but hardly surprising. The Anglos always had their own girls not too far away. What bastards they produced out on the plains or elsewhere probably didn’t breed.


I recall years ago watching the Oprah Winfrey television show where they were discussing the issue of self-hatred with a young black woman who was attempting to become impregnated by a white man (any white man) so that her children would “look white” and be beautiful. An adoption counselor rose up and told this young woman that her agency had many biracial children who they were attempting to place, and “none of them look white, they all look black.” The clear and present background axiom here is that the power of black phenotype ensured the futility of this young woman’s “quest.”

With all that being said, I think it is highly likely that many people with known non-white ancestry (e.g., 1/4th Japanese, as a blonde haired and blue eyed friend of mine is) are going to identify as white. That means that to be “white” in the United States will be much more in keeping with the norm in Latin America, where a generally European appearance and preponderant ancestry are sufficient. And, it also means that race and racism will continue to be features of American life, just as they are in Latin America. Just differently.


KIDADA: I was kicked out of Buckley in second grade for behavior problems. I didn’t want my mother to come to my new school. If kids saw her, it would be: “your mom’s white!” I told Mom she couldn’t pick me up; she had to wait down the street in her car. Did Rashida have that problem? No! She passed for white.

RASHIDA: “Passed”?! I had no control over how I looked. This is my natural hair, these are my natural eyes! I’ve never tried to be anything that I’m not. Today I feel guilty, knowing that because of the way our genes tumbled out, Kidada had to go through pain I didn’t have to endure. Loving her so much, I’m sad that I’ll never share that experience with her.


PEGGY: Kidada never wanted to be white. She spoke with a little…twist in her language. She had ‘tude. Rashida spoke more primly, and her identity touched all bases. She’d announce, “I’m going to be the first female, black, Jewish president of the U.S.!”

KIDADA: When I was 11, a white girlfriend and I were going to meet up with these boys she knew. I’d told her, because I wanted to be accepted, “Tell them I’m tan.” When we met them, the one she was setting me up with said, “You didn’t tell me she was black.” That’s When I started defining myself as black, period. Why fight it? Everyone wanted to put me in a box. On passports, at doctor’s offices, when I changed schools, there were boxes to check: Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Asian. I don’t mean any dishonor to my mother–who is the most wonderful mother in the world, and we are so alike–but: I am black. Rashida answers questions about “what” she is differently. She uses all the adjectives: black, white, Jewish.

Overall, it seems that relatively few (less than 5%) of European Americans have more than 2% either African or Native American ancestry in any of the states, so the breakdown of European ancestry into various subgroups is perhaps more interesting.
The situation of American actress Halle Berry is an interesting case in point. In April 2002 Berry became the first black woman to receive a best actress Oscar. Berry's interpolation and self-identification as 'black' and a 'women of colour' is notable in light of her mixed-race status.

Her father is black and she was raised by her white mother. Berry has come to represent the opportunity of all black women to transcend racial barriers. Her articulate acceptance speech demonstrated her understanding of the significance of her position as representative of previously excluded minorities. Berry represents a win-win situation that appears to advantage black women and black people in general, and to profit the media industry and herself in particular. In the Internet example below she is represented as a sexually appealing blend of black and whiteness. Ironically it is her 'racial' acceptability and sexualised visibility that enable the manufacture of one more delicious variety in a smorgasbord of sexually appealing phenotypes. 'Race' can thus be sexualised to revive familiar patriarchal repertoires of female appeal and availability.
