Chinese Man Sues Wife for being Ugly, and WinsLähde
Northern Chinese resident Jian Feng divorced and sued his wife for $120,000 and won! The story goes that Mr. Feng was deeply in love with his beautiful wife until they had a baby girl.
Feng was horrified at how ugly the baby was and demanded to know who his wife had cheated on him with because the baby resembled neither of the parents.
It was only then that his wife confessed that she had received intense plastic surgery to look radically different. Feng divorced and sued his wife under the terms that she had gotten him to marry her under false pretenses!
He won the amount he requested, $120,000 while his now divorced wife had spent $100,000 on extensive plastic surgeries by apparently very gifted South Korean surgeons.
Jonkun jokatapauksessa pitää olla ruma, jotta joku voi olla kaunis.Lähde: Lainaus käyttäjältä: Marius - 27.04.2014, 01:08:16
Charles Darwin:in The Descent of Man kirjassa tuotiin ainakin esille ajatus, että ilman rumia ei olisi kauniita, kun taas esim. puolalaisten tutkimuksessa käsitellään rumuutta, jos rumuus on edelleenkin epäselvää.
Patient is an ex-cocaine addict. Cocaine caused her nasal cartilage collapse.
Many studies reported high inter-racial and inter-cultural agreement in perception of facial attractiveness (Langlois et al., 2000). However, most of the studies were conducted among populations highly exposed to Western culture. Such groups could have assimilated the European standards of facial attractiveness through social learning (Little et al., 2011b) or thanks to visual experience with faces of White people (Little et al., 2011a). Indeed, the level of agreement with the standards in Black people (Martin, 1964), Koreans (Lim and Giddon, 1991) and Mexicans (Mejia-Maidl et al., 2005) depends on the degree of exposure to the Western culture. Black people (Martin, 1964), Asians (Maganzini et al., 2000; Choe et al., 2004; Soh et al., 2005), and Amerindians (Husein et al., 2010) prefer faces of own races that possess proportions typical for White individuals. Brazilians from cities inhabited mainly by dark-skinned people prefer facial proportions characteristic for Europeans rather than natives (Jones and Hill, 1993). Non-White women endeavor to make appearance of their faces similar to faces of White women (Dobke et al., 2006; Sturm-O’Brien et al., 2010).Lähde
As the great anatomist Bichat long ago said, if every one were cast in the same mould, there would be no such thing as beauty. If all our women were to become as beautiful as the Venus de' Medici, we should for a time be charmed; but we should soon wish for variety; and as soon as we had obtained variety, we should wish to see certain characters a little exaggerated beyond the then existing common standard.Lähde
Korealaisten naisten söpöyttä
Tilastoja Koreasta
Facial Contouring
Jennifer L. Walden, MD
My Facial Plastic Surgery Story | Gigi
I Want A Gangnam Style Face: S. Korea's Bizarre Surgery Trend
Laitoin tuohon ylös kaikenlaisia mielenkiintoisia linkkejä, joita kannattaa tarkastella ja pohtia vaikka sitä, onko Gigi mies vai nainen ja miksi.
Löysin uuden tutkimuksen, jossa käsitellään kuvien muokkaamista ja tarkastellaan muutenkin ihmisten ulkonäköä. Tuohon ylempänä olleeseen Mariuksen kommenttiin liittyen löytyi tutkimuksesta alla oleva näkemys. En täysin ymmärrä tätä, koska jos mustia naisia ei olisi katsottaisiin samaan tapaan kuin nytkin valkoisten naisten joukossa esiintyvää kauneutta, koska eihän kaikki valkoiset naiset ole kaunottaria. Oman tutkimukseni perusteella on selvää, että länsimaalaiset miehet tykkäävät enimmäkseen eurooppalaisen tai eurokeskisen ulkonäön omaavista naisista on tämän seurauksena ymmärrettävää, ettei lehtiin voida laittaa paljon liian erilaisen tai maskuliinisen ulkonäön omaavia naisia vaikka tutkija tai mokuttaja näkisi tässä esim. syrjintää. Vaikka länsimaat ovat muuttumassa monietnisiksi ei se tarkoita, että miehet yleisesti tykkäävät ihan minkä näköisistä naisista tai jostain Afrikan sademetsästä Eurooppaan päätynyttä naista pidetään yleisesti kauniina vaikka mokuttaja häntä ihastelisi.
“dichotomies of Otherness and power hierarchies between women. Blue-eyed, thin white women could not be considered beautiful without the Other—black, women with classical African features of dark skin, broad noses, full lips, and kinky hair.”Lähde
Cosmopolitan, a magazine with a large wealthy, white audience is attempting to cater to that audience by making the women of color look less ethnic and more white, “den[ying] the body of the black female so as to perpetuate white supremacy and within a phallocentric spectatorship where the woman to be looked at and desired is white.”
Race and class also play a strong role in the construction of femininity, especially with regards to its digitally altered representations—images are coded to represent white women, and if women are color are represented, they are shown in a way to make them look more “white:” either by lightening their skin or by making their facial and body resemble physical ideals of “whiteness.”
The images explore and symbolize the physical ideals regarding gender: that men must be definitively muscular, taut, thin, and white while women must be stick thin, large breasted, and passibly white.
Kauneus on katsojan silmissä tekijään liittyen tuli vastaan The Top Tens sivustolta jonkun tekemä lista rumista julkkiksista.
Kim KardashianLähde
She just looks so unnatural! Way way to fake looking.
a whiny bitch, whore, ass waay too big, and has the face of a horse... I want to go up to her an hold a sugar cube in front of her to see what she does.
Fake looks! Anyone with a wig and a ton of makeup can look like her bleach! She is fake, selfish, bitchy, whiny and a classic narcissist.
All her tweets are of a desperate self loathing insecure borderline personality. Confirmed by her wedding and 72 days later divorce.
Wikipediasta löytyi erikoinen testi, jossa on kysytty lapsilta, että kumpi on kauniimpi. Kyllä näitä testejä on nykyään tehty, että on näytetty kuvia vauvoille ja vauvat ovat nähneet kauniimpana samat kuvat kuin aikuiset, mutta onko sitten tämän testin mukaan lapsi jotenkin omituinen, jos valitsee ruman tai sellaisen kuvan, jota ei suurin osa valitse.
Reproduction of an item from the 1908 Binet-Simon intelligence scale, showing three pairs of pictures, about which the tested child was asked, "Which of these two faces is the prettier?" The drawings were reproduced in the article "A Practical Guide for Administering the Binet-Simon Scale for Measuring Intelligence" by J. W. Wallace Wallin in the March 1911 issue of the journal The Psychological Clinic (volume 5 number 1),
Löytyi mielenkiintoinen uutinen Dailymail:in sivuilta koskien korealaista naista, joka on muuttanut kauneusleikkauksella huomattavasti ulkonäköään varsinkin leuan osalta vaikka nainen oli jo alunperin kaunis.
A South Korean woman has been accused of 'ruining her face' after 'before' and 'after' shots of her plastic surgery procedure spread online.Lähde
The unnamed woman, allegedly a reporter on a South Korean TV channel, has undergone jaw surgery in order to achieve the dainty heart-shaped face desired by many east Asian women.
South Koreans currently have more plastic surgery than in any other country according to recent figures, with the craze particularly popular among 19 to 49-year-olds.
The result of the procedure is an unusually pointed chin, and the reactions on a Japanese online forum did not hold back.
Poimin alle mielenkiintoisen lainauksen, jossa voi havaita kolmen suurrodun edustajat ja tämä on hyvin tyypillistä, että mainoksissa tai mokuttajien sivustoilla käytetään näitä kolmea ihmisryhmää.
My wife and her co-teacher had cut out three pictures of babies of a book to serve as educational aid for their class. One was of a Caucasian baby, another of a Chinese baby, and the third was of a black baby.Lähde
Three other teachers at the school came into the room they were working in, one after the other. Without prior discussion and independently of each other they all said the exact same thing:
“The black baby is so ugly.”
Why doesn't evolution get rid of ugly people?Lähde
The reason is that any particular gene-based trait may have very different effects on males than in females. Extrapolating to humans (and oversimplifying, sorry) you might imagine that a particular shape of the nose or turn of the chin would look drop-dead hunky on a male, but horsey on a woman; dad got to mate because his looks attracted a female, but the result of their togetherness produced daughters whose pulchritude was less than obvious.
When I was a child, other kids made fun of me and called me “BIG CHIN“ “GOLLIWOG” due to my long and protruding chin. Later I decided to change my life and I chosed ID hospital which is specialized in face contouring surgery. After surgery, I became another person who is definitely pretty and people around me got surprised. Everybody spoke in praise of my beautiful face. In their words, I am the prettiest girl they’ve never met and they hope to own the similar small face as me.
Serveral days ago, when Xu huimei was accepting an interview, she said, “before I gave people an impression of masculine. My face line is not that smoothy which makes me always look so serious, actually my personality is quite lovely and outgoing. Thanks to the two jaw surgery and thanks to id hospital who enables me to enjoy a new life which is full of thoughtful surprises.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923) Full Movie
Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein - "Whose Brain I did put in?"
In 2003, a man in Miami, Florida was asked why he committed robberies. "I am too ugly to get a job," he said. That's the opening to a 2005 scientific paper in the Review of Economics and Statistics. In the paper, the researchers look at the statistics of appearance and crime. "We find that unattractive individuals commit more crime in comparison to average-looking ones, and beautiful individuals commit less crime in comparison to those who are average-looking," write the authors who are both associated with the National Bureau of Economic Research. Are "ugly" people really more likely to become criminals? Well, it's much more subtle than that.Lähde
Tässä tutkimuksessani olen tuonut esille kuinka ihmisillä on tapana tehdä vertailuja myös loukkaavassa mielessä esim. eläimiin, että joku henkilö näyttää sialta tai apinalta. Tähän liittyen päädyin Wikipediassa lukemaan Fysiognomiaa, jolla tarkoitetaan ulkonäön ja persoonallisuuden yhteyttä. Tähän ihmisten mahdolliseen eläimelliseen tai apinamaiseen ulkonäköön liittyen olen tuonut esille saman, jonka moni muukin on tuonut, että ihminen pyrkii osaltaan pois apinamaisesta tai alkukantaisesta ulkonäöstä, jonka takia kaunis ihminen ei saa karusti sanottuna näyttää selvästi apinalta, sialta tai vaikka hevoselta.