Alla olevassa kommentissa luultavasti musta nainen kertoo kuinka filosofian tunnilla oltiin kerrottu jostain tutkimuksesta, jossa kaikki olivat valinneet valkoisen naisen kauneimmaksi. Mikä tutkimus mahtaa olla kyseessä, koska jos tutkimukseen osallistuneet olivat enimmäkseen eurooppalaisia, niin ei sellaisesta tutkimuksesta voi tehdä päätelmiä, koska ihminen usein tykkää enemmän samannäköisistä. Toisaalta nainen kertoo kuinka kyse olisi symmetriasta ja toteaa kuinka ei valkoisilla olisi enemmän epäsymmetriset kasvot.
Nainen myös mainitsee kuinka on olemassa sanonta kuinka valkoiset näyttävät samanlaisilta, mutta tässä on sellainen virhe, että ihmiset usein näkevät selvästi erilaiseen ulkonäölliseen ryhmään kuuluvat samannäköisinä, jonka takia eurooppalaisten mielestä mustat ja aasialaiset ovat yleisesti samannäköisiä vaikka se ei täysin pidä paikkaansa. Tästä huolimatta ihminen pystyy jossain määrin oppimaan erottamaan toisistaan vaikka erilaisia itäaasialaisia etnisiä ryhmiä, kunhan katselee heitä ja vaikka muuttaa Kiinaan asumaan.
Well i took a philosophy class last yr .Lähde - Cross-race effect
And we read a study on the most attractive .
They found after showing many people pictures of a woman they all picked the same one .
And , yes she was a white woman .
Not because black women are ugly , but because of symmetry . Humans appeal more to symmetry. Equal lips , noses , foreheads on both sides .
Im assuming that us of color lack symmetry in our face .
Ever hear the phrase " all white people look the same ?"
That refers to the symmetry .
Not saying that this is right or downing people that are gonna say " we are all Gods children and beautiful "
But i just thought it was interesting .
I also think that we have been "conditioned" by media to embrace white women as beautiful more than any other race...beautiful minority women are sometimes referred to "exotic" as if it's not the norm...
Alla musta nainen kertoo kuinka psykologian tunnilla oltiin kysytty oppilailta näkemyksiä parinvalinnasta ja tyypilliseen tapaan naisia eivät erityisen paljon ulkonäköön liittyvät tekijät kiinnostaneet tai eivät ainakaan myöntäneet, mutta kuten tutkimukset ovat yleisesti kertoneet oli vastaavasti miehille useimmin tärkeää varsinkin hyvät suoremmat hiukset naisella kuin kähärät mustille tyypilliset hiukset. Jos kerta mustat miehet usein tykkäävät suoremmista hiuksista ja vaaleammasta ihonväristä naisella, niin ei pitäisi olla ihme, jos vastaavasti muutkaan miehet eivät erityisen paljon mustista naisista tykkää kähärien hiusten takia vaikka valkoiselle naiselle nämä tekijät eivät olisi ongelma mustassa miehessä. Toisessa lainauksessa mainitaan barbie nuket ja näistä nukeista on aina välillä kohistu kuinka mustat lapset ovat usein valinneet valkoisen nuken, mutta en oikein ymmärrä kohua, koska eikö pieni lapsi itse saa päättää millaisesta nukesta tykkää enemmän. Ei aikuisten pidä aina olla jauhamassa rasismista tai länsimaiden vaikutuksesta, jos musta lapsi näkee kauniina vaalean barbie nuken.
So Im in Pshycology class and the professor asks us to make two lists, one consisting of ideal things we look for in a mate and realistic things we look for in a mate. All the women didnt care about looks, but the men...more than half put light skin women on the top of the list. They all want a woman with straight hair. One dude actually said he wants a woman that is mixed with Native American so she can have straight silly hair so she can have "good hair". Another said he want a girl that dont have nappy hair. All the while I sitting in class rocking my puff. I just got really sad. These men refuse to date a woman with natural hair. I was hurt not because of my hair, but because the close-mindedness is still very much alive. Also the light skin bit...really though!? Wth!!Lähde
Are you freaking kidding me..People like what they like but it would be interesting to know the reasoning behind it. Alot of our male celebrities and professional athletes seemingly feel the same way..
When I was little I wished I was one or the other. Black or white rather than both. It wasn't about color it was more about the torment I got from EVERYONE.Lähde
Black kids, especially girls, TELLING me I thought I was cure because I was mixed. Or that I was fake because of the way I spoke. Or teasing me because my braids never stayed nice because my hair would unravel.
White kids giving me the usual- "half a nigger is still a nigger". I got that one a lot from two kids in particular. Asking me why my hair was like it was (read giant frizz ball). Name calling. Calling my mom a traitor.
As I got older I became better equipped to deal with the teasing and found a really good friend. Because of that friendship I felt much more confident in myself and after a while none of it mattered anymore. Then I started the journey to self acceptance. Still on that journey though.
I think lots of people want something they don't have for whatever reason. Some white people tan to be darker and will sacrifice their life to be blonde. Lol! It's not all perfect in their world either though they are more privileged because of our screwed up culture.
I'm sorry you still feel this way about yourself and I hope you really take some time to explore deeper within yourself to find out why you really wish this and then work to fix that. Embrace yourself. Love yourself. God made us in his image which means Go is a diverse God and each of us is heavenly in our special way.
I remember in kindergarten I wanted blonde hair and blue eyes like one of my classmates. I also remember there was something that my class won in kindergarten and all the girls got to pick a Barbie doll. We had to choose between the blonde Barbie or a black Barbie. I chose the white Barbie and all I can I remember is my mom asking me why I chose that Barbie. Can't remember what I said or what she said but those are two moments I'll never forget. I eventually grew out of that mentality in grade school. I can't imagine being any other way but black and beautiful.
Toiselta mustien naisten keskustelupalstalta tuli vastaan tämä muutama vuosi sitten kohun aiheuttanut Satoshi Kanazawan kirjoitus, jossa mustia naisia pidettiin kaikkein vähiten kauniina, mutta sitten mustista miehistä tykättiin enemmän, jonka takia monet mustat naiset ovat usein kysyneet, että jos mustat naiset ovat rumia, niin ilman heitä ei olisi komeita mustia miehiä. Mustat naiset eivät varmaan ymmärrä sitä, että vaikka musta mies tiettävästi hyötyy paljonkin maskuliinisesta ulkonäöstään, että heillä on helppo löytää valkoisia naisia, niin nämä samat tekijät näkyvät myös mustissa naisissa koskien varsinkin ihonväriä. Tietenkin mustat naiset ovat omalla tavalla feminiinisiä varsinkin vartalon ja suuren takapuolen takia, mutta siitä huolimatta miehet näyttävät enemmän tykkäävän muista naisista.
Tällainen kohu laittaa pohtimaan, että olisiko sitä syntynyt jossei mustia naisia olisi pidetty kaikkein rumimpina vaan vaikka valkoisia naisia. Samaan tapaan muistaakseni viime vuonna oli Etelä-Afrikassa kohu, jossa musta opiskelija nainen teki kyselytutkimuksen, jossa valkoiset valittiin kaikkein kauneimmiksi ja mustat kaikkein rumemmiksi. Kun tehdään tällaisia tutkimuksia, niin aina jokin ihmisryhmä on keskimäärin rumempi kuin toinen, joten jos ihmiset näkevät yleisemmin mustat naiset rumimpina, niin ei sille mitään voi. Tietenkin ymmärrän, että tällaiset tutkimukset eivät tunnu mukavilta, mutta ei sitten tarvitse ihmetellä, miksei miehet yleisemmin tykkää mustista naisista ja miksi vastaavasti naiset usein tykkäävät mustista miehistä. Laitoin tuohon kuvan, joka tuli vastaan alla olevasta keskustelusta ja olen havainnut kuinka monet mustat naisetkin väittävät, että mustat miehet pariutuvat paljonkin rumien valkoisten naisten kanssa, joka voi hyvinkin pitää keskimäärin paikkaansa ja monia myös harmittaa, että miksei mustalle miehelle kelvannut kaunis musta nainen.
He musta thought he was doin something. I wonder if he's ever written about why Asian men are considered the least attractive men in the world...that would surprise me.Lähde
its real ironic too, cuz i could EASILY make up some bullsh*t article about how i find asians the least attractive of all the races AND how i think they're descendants of aliens AND how i am CONVINCED their men dont have penises. . .but then id be wrong
well my thoughts on it are that most people tend to be attracted to their own race, black people arnt the largest race populating this world their fore they are less attractive by those standardsLähde
correct me if im wrong but chinese/asians are the largest populating race on this planet right?
He should have stuck to asian things like building hondas and doing math. Don't nobody want they lil Sausage opinions. And super duper ooper ugh @ that mole! sh*t ain't ordinary breh!
Tuossa ylempänä kun oli vähän juttua näistä nukketesteistä, niin antropologi Peter Frost:in blogista löytyy lisätietoa ja muutenkin kaikenlaista mielenkiintoista tietoa koskien varsinkin ihonväriä ja sen merkitystä naisen kauneudessa.
My own research led me to conclude that we all have a mental algorithm that responds specifically to differences in human skin color. This algorithm did not come into being to evaluate color differences between different racial or ethnic groups. It arose to evaluate the much smaller difference in complexion between the sexes. Women are the ‘fair sex’. Their skin has visibly less melanin and hemoglobin than does male skin even when both sexes receive the same amount of sunlight (Edwards & Duntley, 1939; Frost, 1988; van den Berghe & Frost, 1986). Complexion is thus one of several visual cues, like face shape and voice pitch, that the human mind uses for sex recognition. This visual cue seems to be hardwired: people can distinguish a man's face from a woman's by complexion alone, even when the image is blurred and offers no other details (Russell, 2003; Russell, 2009; Russell & Sinha, 2007; Russell et al., 2006; Tarr, 2002).Lähde
Yes, in traditional societies, there is a strong cross-cultural trend to associate light skin with femininity. This trend was documented by me and Pierre van den Berghe in our 1986 article:
Van den Berghe, P. L. and P. Frost. 1986. Skin color preference, sexual dimorphism, and sexual selection: A case of gene-culture co-evolution?, Ethnic and Racial Studies 9:87-113.
In modern Western cultures, this idealization of light female skin has all but disappeared. It still shows up in word-association tests and the like, but it is no longer part of our mainstream culture. During my tests with French-Canadian children, I noticed that their mothers often showed signs of deliberate suntanning. So I don't see how the kids were getting it from their mothers.
Sorry, but you can't blame everything on mom.
Eksotiikkaan ja sekarotuisten kauneuteen liittyen löytyi keskustelu. Nähtävästi tästä asiasta muutenkin keskustellaan, että miksi sanotaan esim. Halle Berry:n olevan kaunis musta nainen vaikka hänellä on valkoinen äiti niin kuin ei olisi kauniita aitoja mustia naisia. Eiköhän tässä vaikuta samankaltaisista tykkääminen, että eurooppalaisten tai valkoisten on helpompaa nähdä sekarotuinen kauniina, jos hän varsinkin omaa kauniin ulkonäön tai on samankaltaisempi eurooppalaiseen naiseen verrattuna, mutta sellaista ulkonäköä ei aina edes ole sekarotuisella, kuten alla olevassa kommentissa todetaan.
Being mixed is considered exotic to many people because it is seen as being different. As commonplace as we are becoming some people still see us as special novelty items to be claimed. You shouldn't feel exotic because you aren't. There is nothing special about being mixed just like there is nothing special about being monoracial. People who see mixed race people as something special usually have self hate issues or some kind of weird fetish. Also when people are thinking of exotic mixed people they are normally thinking of some unique combo of features I.e. Curly red hair, green eyes and tan skin, etc. if you look just white or just black or have commonplace features like say brown hair, brown eyes and tan skin that may be why everyone isn't making a fuss over you.Lähde
"Exotic" can be anything you're not used to. Me, I'm used to black men so to me, they're not exotic. To a women of another race, from another country, that aren't used to seeing black men, they'd be exotic. To me, Native American men are exotic. Also, asian men. That's just an example with my understanding.
Mixed people can be seen as exotic but to me, they're nothing special. Maybe because I am mixed and is also used to seeing mixed people. I don't see myself as exotic but maybe there a man/woman out there who might. Don't know.
The world seems to think that mixed people, especially black/white, are god's gifts to the world. It's said that they're the most beautiful. Truth is, they may be pretty/cute/beautiful but there are some that aren't attractive at all. Actually, I saw a girl the other day that was mixed and fugly.
Mustien keskuudessa on nähtävästi aiheuttanut keskustelua Beyonce:n pienen lapsen mahdollinen rumuus, koska laulaja meni valitsemaan puolisokseen miehen, jonka ulkonäöllä voi olla kielteisiä vaikutuksia. Monet ihmiset tekevät kuitenkin virheen, jos alkavat pienen lapsen ulkonäön perusteella tekemään päätelmiä, koska osa vauvoista tai lapsista on kuin rumia ankanpoikia, että vasta aikuisena näyttää kauniilta tai komealta, kun kasvonpiirteet ovat kunnolla kehittyneet. Tämä pätee myös toisin päin koskien esim. sekarotuisia lapsia, että vaikka usein on tapana esitellä sekarotuisia pariskuntia pienten lasten tai vauvojen kanssa, josta sitten moni tekee helposti päätelmän kuinka kauniita ovat lapset, mutta tämän päätelmän tekeviltä unohtuu, että ulkonäkö muuttuu kasvaessa, jonka takia esim. tytär voi aikuisena näyttää enemmän mustalta isältään, joten vaikka valkoisesta äidistä tuli jostain syystä mulatti lapsen yksinhuoltaja, niin äiti voi aina nähdä isän kasvot tyttäressä.
Here’s a sampling of the stomach-tightening invective I’ve read online:Lähde
“hopefully she gets most of her looks from her mother’s side.”
“thats gonna be one ugly ***** baby with big ass lips and a dirty ass weave.”
“i just hope beyonce genetics dont get over powered by camel genes.”
“I had a dog named Blue! Poor kid—all of the talent and money in the world won’t do her much good if she looks like Jay-Z.”
“I had no idea that that ‘adorable’ and ‘Jay Z’s nose, eyes and lips’ could have been used in the same sentence. I wish them the best of luck though!! ”
“i NEED pictures cause that baby don’t sound “adorable” She got all the ugly traits of Jay-Z..not to be mean or rude & talk about a kid or nun but that baby sound ugly.”
Give me a break. If the baby is ugly it wont be because she's black it will be because she has an ugly father. Jay-Z is ugly, not cause he's black. But because he's just ugly plain and simple.
Oh, please. The last thing that baby has to worry about is colorism outside in the world when her mother has had a nose job and walk around with a blonde wig on her head. It starts in the home. And if she ends up not loving her blackness, don't blame society, blame her wanna be white mother.
Black folks need to quit always turning to the outside. Know why too many black girls don't think they're beautiful? Because we've got black women in their homes emulating whiteness, that's why! And Beyonce is doing the same thing.
They are only saying these things because its a girl and if the girl looks like her father then she is gonna be ugly. Internalized racism.
If it was a boy, it would be less talk of his looks, as men are supposed to look rugged and have broad features and be dark and handsome.
i swear i've been in threads where ppl are attacked for saying african features existed. interesting.
yes, if this genders were reversed people would be in more uproar, but i think that sensitivity comes from the fact women are desired to look whiter while bm can be pitch black, fat lips, fat nose, nappy hair and still be considered the sexiest thing on earth to bw.
Jay Z is unattractive due to bone structure and people mistakenly blame his facial features. Put some thin lips and a small nose on him and he's STILL ugly
Alle olen poiminut muutamia kommetteja Ask The Harvard MBA sivulta löytyneeseen jokseenkin poliittisesti korrektiin hyväntahtoiseen kirjoitukseen mustien naisten rumuudesta ja sen syistä. Kommenteista löytyy paljonkin hyviä selityksiä ja myös niitä, jotka ovat tästä asiasta järkyttyneitä eivätkä nähtävästi tunnu ymmärtävän sitä, että mies tykkää enimmäkseen feminiinisen kasvonpiirteen omaavista kauniista naisista. Kuten yleensä on ihmisillä tapana kertoa kuinka he ovat kauniita ja heillä on ollut valkoisia poikaystäviä, mutta kun tässä ei ole kyse yksittäisistä ihmisistä vaan tilastot selvästi osoittavat etteivät valkoiset miehet erityisen paljon tykkää mustista naisista verrattuna muiden rotujen naisiin. Ongelma tässä tahtoo yleensä olla siinä, että ihmiset eivät ymmärrä, mitä tarkoittaa sana keskimäärin, koska ei sillä tarkoiteta kaikkien mustien naisten olevan rumia. Tämä on tietysti ymmärrettävää, että varsinkin mustat naiset ovat rumia yleistykset ärsyttävät monia, joten tässä mielessä olisi parempi olla näissä ulkonäkö asioissa korrektimpi ja tarkempi tai jättää ne kertomatta, jottei loukkaa vaikka varmaan melkein kaikki ihmiset maailmassa suurin piirtein näkevät, miltä yleensä näyttää kaunis nainen tai komea mies vaikka tykkäämisessä olisikin rodullisia tai etnisiä eroja.
Olen poiminut yhden kommentin myös mustalta naiselta, joka kertoo mustien naisten tykkäävän mustista miehistä ja tällainen käsitys on minullakin, joka sitten on yksi syy siihen, miksi mustat naiset eivät mielellään sekarotuista parisuhdetta muodosta, kuten eivät myöskään monet valkoiset naiset. Lisäksi musta nainen kertoo kielteisiä puolia mustista miehistä sukupuolitautien levittäjinä ja kuinka musta nainen tulee toimeen omillaan. Näin antropologi Peter Frost ja monet muutkin tahot ovat kertoneet kuinka Afrikassa nainen on ollut työmies ja tullut toimeen ilman miestä. Kiimaiset valkoiset naiset saisivat varmaan paljonkin epäkorrektia ja varoittavaa tietoa mustilta naisilta, mutta toisaalta osa mustista naisista voi myös tarkoituksella antaa mustista miehistä huonoa kuvaa, jottei valkoiset naiset veisi mustia miehiä. Tietenkään ei pidä näitä kommenteissa olevia väitteitä täysin uskoa tai ainakaan yleistää, mutta kyllä niissä on yleensä jotain totuutta.
You did not answer her question. The answer is simple: most white men do not find black features attractive. The big jaw, the wide nose, the out of shape bodies. Also, the ghetto way of talking. Look at the black women who are considered beautiful and they all have white features (nose, jaw, lips), nice bodies, and normal speaking voices. Hence, the apt description of a white girl dipped in chocolate.Lähde
Black people seem to be at the phenotypic extremes of the rest of the world, even though you can find man or woman of the same features in Asians, but I feel as though having hair that is closer to the texture of European hair does help.
What it really comes down to is money, power, and legacies.
Only white women can make white babies and when you are trying to maintain white supremacy there is going to be an inherent value placed on white women or women who share the same aesthetics of white women. All other races look at black people the same way as white people do which is played up in the media portraying black people as constantly inferior. Look at anime - Asian are some of the worst culprits of white worshipping themselves, so I consider it deflective to say it’s just white media. There is a degree and element of self hate.
It’s simply biological evolution. Nature forcefully moves mankind away from its simian origins; hence the worlwide general distaste of women with heavy bones, short squat powerful bodies, thick facial features, heavy body hair, and other simian traits. But we have great difficulty admiting this for various social reasons, and so it’s much easier to label this trend as racism, media bias, American attitudes, etc. Sometimes the truth is so repressed and feared that we frantically search for other less painful explanations in order to live in peace.
I myself am a white woman and am attracted mostly by white men (whether some of you lot may consider it racist or not.) To my mind it is just a matter of personal opinion and has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with racism, I think it is about time afro-americans stopped blaming everybody else for having such stupidly-run countries. (And I do know what I am talking about because as a matter of fact I have been to Africa a lot : it is indeed full of exploitable ressources but unfortunately is not being exploited… but that’s another matter.)
People have their own tastes, some guys like negroid features and bubble bums and deep booming voices and diva attitudes, others don’t, that’s the way life is. Deal with it, minorities are attractive to some people and repulsive to others, in the same way that individuals leave different impacts depending on the people. I don’t believe trying to find someone to blame for that is doing the Afro-americans any good.
I can understand the scientific argument as to why non-black men don’t like black women. If you don’t like black features (lips, nose, hair), then there’s really nothing that can be done. But my suspicion is that the media controls the standards of beauty in America. Let’s not pretend that there are no beautiful black women out there. Both light skinned, medium and dark skinned. But how often are they portrayed on television? Think of a random show. Take the Walking Dead for example. Almost all of the white women cast were all attractive. But the black women? I’m sorry to say that they weren’t that attractive.
WE as black women prefer to date and ne with one man preferably a black man that is why there are less black women being married we just prefer black and most black men are locked up and or can not support a family. The high Hiv rate comes from a black man telling his women he is not cheating or gay but he is. She trust him he doesnt use a condom and he comes back and infects her. Most black women are faith. Smart, intelligent, Educated, we make are own money. We do not wait on a man to take care of us.
Than they SHOULD? Wow, that sounds like a rather dictator-like thing to say. People have the right to be attracted to whomever they like, and political correctness shouldn’t make people feel forced to go out with people they are really not in to. Attraction isn’t a political choice. We don’t choose who gives us “that spark” and who doesn’t, and for someone to blatantly tell us that we *should* date people we don’t feel attracted to just because we’re white and they’re black is the definition of racism.
I am writing to you because I am at my wits end but I don’t even know if there is anything you can do to help me. I am a 38 year old, university educated, extremely overweight Black woman on the wrong side of the paper bag shade – much, much darker than the paper bag. I have tried every diet known to man in an attempt to lose weight but to no avail – in fact the older I get the more weight I gain. I have also tried skin bleaching and skin lightening creams on my face and my entire body but I gave up eventually because they are very time consuming – it takes a lot of time to administer all over the body. I don’t use them anymore. I hold down a full time job in a good, proffesional career and I am well remunerated. I do believe that I am witty, funny, intelligent and quite sociable and yet I am very much a single woman and have not been in a relationship for the last five years as no man would even look at me and the non-physical qualities I could offer – it’s all visual and physical with men: they all want the light skinned Halle Berry or Beyonce type. As for marriage – forget it, I have no chance. If slim light-skinned Black women in their late twenties and early thirties can’t find husbands then what chance is there for me?Lähde
I have come to the conclusion that I will very likely remain overweight, unmarried and childless for the rest of my days and I blame it on the fact that I am Black. I do believe that Black women (especially those of West African descent as opposed to those of East African descent who naturally tend to have a taller, slimmer and lighter frame) do have a natural predisposition towards obesity and so it is not their fault that they are overweight.
African American and Black British women are predominantly of West African descent – I don’t need to go over the history of the Slave Trade. We are constantly being criticised for being overweight but nobody ever considers the biological factors that cause our obesity in the first place. Of course we must watch our diet and do regular exercise but there’s no escaping the fact that Black women do have a natural predisposition towards obesity and this is embedded in our DNA thus putting us at a disadvantage when seeking a mate or spouse within the marriage market. Combine my being overweight with the fact that I am very dark skinned and have very short hair that just simply will not grow, much less reach anywhere near my shoulders, then you have an idea of what I am up against.
All these “natural disadvantages” have started to get me down and I have really grown to hate the fact that I am a Black Woman. Yes, there I said it: I HATE BEING A BLACK WOMAN. I hate having hair that will not grow just like it does for White, Latina, and Asian girls. You may think it is trivial but these things really matter when looking for a mate, as men of all races are naturally drawn to women with a lot of hair on their head – so it does matter. (Yes, I have tried the weaves and wigs and they look plain horrible and fake, not to mention they cost too much money and time. The only peeople who can afford to have and maintain really good looking weaves and wigs on an ongoing basis are the super-rich like Beyonce or Janet Jackson). I hate being so dark skinned in a world where light skinned is prized so highly. At least overweight, light-skinned Black women have their light skin to fall back on – I have no such luxury, but most of all – I HATE BEING FAT, which I repeat, is caused by being Black.
You may argue and say that obesity has no biological link to being Black but I would beg to differ. I find it to be too much of a coincidence that the highest rates of obesity just so happen to be within the Black female population – both in the USA and the UK. That tells me there is a biological link to all this. This is what has caused me to hate being Black more than anything else – I am fat because I am Black.
Call me a self hater if you want, but there is no denying the bitter truth. I put on a brave, smiling face as I face the world and go about my daily business but on the inside I am overwhelmed with the hopelessness and despair of my situation.
So, Please take the time to read this essay and be honest with yourself that you know deep down inside these issues are real and true. The hilarious issue, as always, is *why* black men are so infatuated with White women. The answer is simple: Black Men think that Black women are UGLY. So many black men just want women who have lustrous, silky, straight hair and “refined” Caucasian facial features. That’s of course if they can’t find a black woman who’s light enough and has similar features. But these days that’s not even good enough. Let me shed further light on this: Have you ever noticed how BADLY some black men want White women?? It's the proverbial every black man's dream.Lähde
Check the USA census(if you're skeptical) that 95% of people in America marry within their own racial/ethnic group (i.e. Whites w/ Whites, blacks w/ blacks, Asians w/Asian, latino w/ latino), black men still demonstrate a stronger preference for White women than men from other racial/ethnic groups such as Asian or Latino. People are naturally attracted to people who share their physical characteristics.
Although I'm sure that any man is able to appreciate the beauty of women from other racial/ethnic groups, only black men exhibit the strong compelling impulse to be with someone from another race. So why DO black men want White women so BADLY??? Why do our poor black women spend millions (collectively) every year for products to straighten their hair, even bleaching their skin (particularly in Africa) in an effort to look like a White woman for only one reason, so that they can attract and maintain a relationship with a black man. I want to offer some insight into this phenomenon. 1) Full lips, kinky hair, and broad noses - While these physical characteristics are considered attractive in certain areas of Africa, they are considered unattractive to some people of other races. The black men simply don't want their children to have physical traits that are regarded as unsightly by the “dominant” races, so they endeavor to dilute their African blood with a European blood. Black women have had this tendency as well (remember Light Skin brothers used to be in).
Honestly, how many times have you imagined or hoped that your children would have “good hair” like the father or “pretty eyes” like the mother.
If you think I’m crazy simply analyze cases like The Placage (sp) in Louisiana where black women and mulattos, “breeded” with the French men to keep caucasian blood in their family lines. An even better example is the racial caste system in South Africa. Black men want a daughter who looks like Mariah Carey or Vanessa Williams, rather than Aunt Jemima or the woman who gave birth to him. 2) What better way to get back at Whitey for slavery, elevate your status among the homeboys, and bolster your black male self-esteem, than to have sex with a White woman!!! Never mind that most, (I know that there are exceptions like wives of millionaire athletes, actors and many affluent black men.) of these White women are overweight, unattractive, have low self-esteem, or have been rejected by White society for some reason and therefore feel the must settle for a black man out of desperation... White is White!!!
No one is saying all Whites are "Good Looking" line up 100 White people & line up 100 Blacks of Bantu origins....Half the Blacks will look like a primate exhibit while the rest would be just barely be easy on the eyes..Lähde
It looks like that according to this film, even if Chinese were the dominant race on Earth, the standard of beauty for women at least is still white. Architecture is still European. Apparently the only difference in this imagined world is that Chinese would be the majority language and that Chinese men would be considered more attractive. This film misses the opportunity to explore the issue in any meaningful way and comes off as being another whiny "Asian males are oppressed!" film...Lähde
LOL then explain why we don't see many white guys successfully dating black girls in the US. Are white males depicted negatively by their own media? And how do black guys in China easily pick up local girls despite their negative perception in the Chinese media? Asians are just genetically small and feminine. Blacks are big and masculine. Whites fit somewhere in between. (on average, exceptions do exist). That's why we mostly see asian girls with white guys and white girls with black guys. Rarely the other way around. You can change the media all you want, but this trend will not be affected. People aren't equal. Stop living in denial.
Well, with all due respect, have you ever considered the possibility that the underrepresentation of Asians (particularly Asian men) in films owes in part to the fact that Asian Americans are at the most 5-6% of the U.S. population? And of that 5-6%, the majority of them are first generation immigrants. Then, to top that off, Asians in the U.S. tend not to be geographically distributed, but are mostly concentrated in a few states and cities (like the San Francisco Bay Area in California, Hawaii, New York, etc). Now, suppose you're a Hollywood big shot, and you want to make a film that will gross a significant profit. Is it wise to cast an Asian male as your lead, knowing that the majority of the overall American population (particularly the white American population) isn't going to be able to relate to the main character, and as a result your profits might suffer?
Although there are many black men who are married to black women, the fact still remains that, 73% of interracial marriages in America are black men with other women who are not black–that’s far from a “rarity”. Beyond this, many African American women are well into age and not married to black, white, or other. It is sad but true nonetheless.Lähde
The only reason blacks in the U.S. would be seen as hyper-masculine has to do with the fact that like 98% of blacks living in the U.S. came from slaves. When whites bought slaves from Africa, they only bought the biggest and strongest ones. The majority of blacks are smaller and not so masculine. But most blacks in U.S. are big because they came from a line of the strongest an biggest slaves brought from Africa.
I will also point out that White men do NOT like Black women, they JUST don’t find us appealing enough and that is the truth and I don’t know why people just don’t admit this, because it is the plain TRUTH. If white men really liked black women, then the statistics would speak for themselves and this topic would be non existant. It is not fair! that white women are taking black men and this is where the real problem lies, not with white men as they prefer their own kind, I am prepared to fight back, if I see a black guy that like who is going out with a white women, I will try to steal him and I suggest other black women do the same.
I hear people say that – mixed children are better looking. Why do they say that? It does not seem to be true, so it makes me think something strange is going on behind that statement.