Alta löytyy mielenkiintoista tietoa siitä, että mustien miesten kanssa pariutuvat valkoiset naiset olisivat rumempia ja lihavia. Tällaisia väitteitä näkee usein keskustelupalstoilla myös mustien naisten kertomana, mutta vaikka tässä olisi enimmäkseen tai keskimäärin totuutta on kuitenkin myös kauniita naisia, jotka ovat valmiita pariutumaan mustan miehen kanssa. Tutkimuksissa kerrotaan muutenkin yleisesti, että länsimaalaiset miehet eivät enimmäkseen tykkää paksuista naisista, mutta mustien keskuudessa suhtaudutaan tunnetusti kurvikkuuteen ja lihavuuteen myönteisemmin vaikka on myös olemassa muutamia tutkimuksia kuinka mustilla miehillä naismaku painon osalta olisi muuttumassa samanlaiseksi kuin muilla miehillä.
Finally, our results suggest that parents of multiracial infants are typically in lower quality relationships than the parents of mono-racial infants, and that relationship quality accounts for some of the differences in birth outcomes.Lähde
Our finding that white women who do not fit conventional norms of beauty (i.e. those who are not thin or athletic-looking) are much more likely to include black men as possible dates than other white women is consistent with the notion that cultural ideals about beauty shape racial preferences. Much research has shown that, in dating and marriage markets, physical attractiveness is a more valued trait for women than men (Stewart, Stinnet and Rosenfeld 2000). Therefore, an openness to dating black men among these white women may actually reflect their knowledge that they do not fit the conventional beauty standards that appeal to white men.Lähde
Among white women, one of the most striking findings is that white women who describe themselves as slim, slender, athletic, fit or average are nearly seven times as likely to exclude black men as dates as women who describe themselves as thick, voluptuous, a few extra pounds, or large.
Lihavuuteen ja samalla myös kauneuteen liittyen tuli vastaan tutkimus Yhdysvalloista, jossa ei kuitenkaan ole yhteenvedon perusteella paljoakaan uutta, että valkoisille naisille lihavuus on kauneuden osalta ongelmallisempi verrattuna mustiin naisiin, koska valkoiset miehet eivät tykkää lihavista naisista samalla tavalla kuin mustat miehet. Tämä on sitten yksi merkittävä syy siihen, miksi mustat miehet yleisen väitteen mukaan pariutuvat lihavien valkoisten naisten kanssa ja miksi valkoiset miehet eivät keskimäärin yhtä paljon tykkää suuremmista mustista naisista vaan pienemmistä aasialaisista naisista. Jos mustat naiset olisivat laihempia olisi sillä varmasti myönteinen vaikutus valkoisten, että aasialaisten miesten halukkuuteen pariutua mustien naisten kanssa.
This paper investigates the relationships between body weight, race, and attractiveness in appearance and personality among adolescents. We study a sample of 5,947 (non-Hispanic) white and black girls age 12 to 18 who were interviewed by a group of 338 interviewers. We find that overweight and obese white female adolescents are, respectively, 23% and 40% less likely, on average, to be perceived as physically attractive compared to normal-weight white girls. The physical appearance penalties are significantly smaller for overweight and obese black girls compared to white girls. These findings suggest that being overweight or obese is costly due to its negative impact on inner and outer perceived beauty, providing an explanation for the observed stigmatization of overweight and obesity among women in labor and relationship markets. The smaller beauty penalties for black girls above the normal-weight range suggest that the range of body sizes considered attractive may be wider for black females.Lähde
Historically, females who had large body figures and considered overweight were seen as the epitome of beauty within the African American culture. More specifically, African American females with large body figures were perceived by African American males as smart, sexy, employable, desirable, wanted, marriatable, and rulers of their households. However, as African American males acculturate into the dominate culture via their college attendance, their perceptions of body figure attractiveness may begin to change towards perceptions that are similar to those of the dominate culture. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine African American male college students’ perceptions of body figure attractiveness. Participants in this study consisted of 227 African American male college students between 18 and 31 years of age from two Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and two Traditionally White Institutions (TWIs) across the Southeast and Northeast regions of the United States. Findings from this study revealed that African American male college students’ perceptions of body figure attractiveness are changing towards those similar of the dominant culture. Thus, implications are discussed relative to the potential influence in which African American males’ perceived body figure attractiveness may have on African American females.Lähde
This study examines the impact of apparent facial adiposity on assessments of attractiveness and likeability. In this online experiment, Amazon Mechanical Turk participants made more than 20,000 assessments of attractiveness and likeability of facial photographs. Participants were randomly assigned to view one of three different versions of a photo that we altered, using Adobe Photoshop, to produce three different apparent BMI levels: low (less than 24), medium (24−28, inclusive), and high (greater than 28). The experiment aimed to identify differences in how individuals of varying genders, races, and sexual orientations perceive attractiveness and likeability. Participants generally rated photos with higher apparent BMIs as being less attractive and likeable, but this “BMI tax” was much more severe for assessments of attractiveness than likeability. Males rated female photos monotonically lower as apparent photo BMI increased, but women tended to rate medium BMIs higher than low BMIs in terms of both attractiveness and likeability. Gay men rated male photos higher than other viewer groups (even higher than heterosexual women), but gay women rated female photos lower than other viewer groups (even lower than heterosexual men). White photos were rated more attractive than likeable, but African-American photos were rated more likeable than attractive. Our intra-group comparisons of randomly-assigned participants provide causal evidence that higher apparent BMI in the form of increased facial adiposity causes participants to reduce assessments of both attractiveness and likeability, but that the BMI treatment effects manifest substantial heterogeneity across both participant and photo demographic groups.Lähde