Meksikolainen nainen haluaa olla aidon blondin näköinen, mutta nykyisen tummemman ihonvärin takia näyttää epäaidolta. Samainen nainen kuitenkin kertoo, ettei halua olla tavallisen valkoisen naisen näköinen vaan meksikolaisen blondin näköinen, joista nainen laittoi myös muutaman esimerkin, jotka poimin tuohon ylös näytille.
To become a golden-hair blonde, and pass as a real one.Alla sitten kerrotaan kuinka haluaisi omata paremman tasaisen näköisen ihon, jollainen hänellä oli pienempänä. Näin se tietenkin on, että ikääntyessä tai muista syistä johtuen ihonväri voi muuttua epätasaiseksi ja tummemmaksi verrattuna lapsuuteen, joten jos kerta ihmiset tykkäävät tasaisen vaaleasta ihonväristä voidaan sellainen saada takaisin ihonväriä vaalentamalla.
ad the overall brightening and all that
my skin is too tanned to be a realistic blonde, but I would look like a fake blonde otherwise.
And I like thinking I am pure blooded too, I have a lot of family members who mixed with white blood, and they come out looking 90% white. But I don't want that look....
I want a Mexican look. And I want to be a blonde, since men do like blondes like it was a fetish. But then I don't want to be a cheap-looking blonde, or absolutely fake one. Nor the average Jane Smith blonde that most white women have.
I want to be a Mexican-blonde.
I have a skin condition that really messed up my skin from when I was a child, and now Its getting better and clear, its been my goal for years to have smooth, even, clear skin. Its not really my dream, but my goals and aspirations for myself is to have nice skin and returning back to my original colour from when i was a young child.Alla halutaan omata samanlainen ihonväri kuin siskolla, ettei tarvitse selitellä syitä tummemmalle ihonvärille.
i wanna be able to say my sister is really my sister without haveing to look at my colourTämäkin nainen haluaa omata samanlaisen ihonvärin kuin muilla vaaleaihoisilla perheenjäsenillä, mutta kertoo samalla kuinka mustien keskuudessa vaaleaihoisia suositaan, joka näkyy musiikkivideoissa.
also within the Black community 'yellow bones - red bones' are soo much more desired now a days.. always being featured in music videos and being treated soo much better than darker tonned females.. idont care if some people wanna defend that but its the truth. its ignorant but true =/Hän haluaa samanlaisen ihonvärin kuin lapsuudessaan, joka sopii paremmin hiusten kanssa.
My reason for using lightening agents is to get as light as I was as a child...and because it goes with my hair color (golden blonde) and it looks better on me than having a tan.Tämän naisen mielestä ruskettunut ihonsa ei näytä terveeltä verrattuna ihonväriin, jonka on hankkimassa ihonvärin vaalentamisella.
My tanned skin does not look as healthy as the new skin that is being revealed.Tällä naisella on ongelmana ihonvärin erilaisuus, jonka haluaa saada samanlaiseksi. Tämä on tietääkseni yleinen ongelma monilla mustilla naisilla, että ihonväri vaihtelee ja on muutenkin kaikenlaisia tummia ja vaaleita läiskiä.
My skin has way too many colors and all I want is one solid color from head to toe. My goal color is caramel, certain parts of my body are already that color (or around it) like my chest, arms (when I don't tan), my hands, and my face sometimes. I have darker knees and elbows...all in all I just want to be the same color from head to toe.Alla oleva kertoo näyttävänsä paremmalta vaaleampana, mutta on myös havainnut miesten tällöin kohtelevan häntä paremmin.
I honestly think I just look better when Im lighter. Also, (this is going to sound horrible) but when I'm lighter, I have more confidence and people (ESPECIALLY men) are nicer to me. At first I thought I was imagining this, but sadly Im not. Keep in mind, this ISNT why I am lightening my skin, just something I have noticed.Meksikolainen kertoo kuinka perheessään suositaan vaaleampia ja ei ruskeat silmät omaavia.
Although I'm a naturally olive skinned Mexican-American who comes from a mostly olive skinned family I have a number of relatives with light skin and hair and a few with light skin, hair, and eyes. I've spoken to other olive-skinned Mexicans and we all agree that our lighter relatives are always sort of "ooed" and "aaaed" by our families. They are called endearing Spanish terms like "wedita" or "blanquita" which means little white one. Yet no one talks about the skin tones of the darker people in the family, and if you get a tan no one thinks it looks good, they don't comment on it. So basically, because I come from a culture that prefers white skin I can't help but want to attain it.Tässä kerrotaan karusti kuinka miehet suosivat vaaleampia naisia, eikä hän tykkää sanonnasta kuinka olisi kaunis mustaksi naiseksi vaan haluaa olla vain kaunis.
so i can be pretty not pretty for a dark skin girl.....Tämä latino nainen kertoo kuinka isänsä kertoi jo pienestä lähtien, että seurustele vain vaaleaihoisten kanssa. Tästä huolimatta nainen toi kerran näytille vähän tummemman miehen, jonka takia isä sai melkein sydänkohtauksen.
i sit back every day, and watch all my friends (im the darkest one, all of them light)
they treat men like ****, use them for money, they treat them like ****. but becuase there light these men try harder and harder to please them. will do any thing to keep them... this girls have no education and work dead end jobs. but they have all the men literally kissing thier feet. im in medical school and have high honors, but a half way okay guy wont look my way, if i ask them why they all say the same thing
"your cute but im not into dark skin girls"
This is very very true in many Latin families (including mine). We are all pretty much light skin with green or hazel eyes, but the ones that came out with blue eyes are everyones favorites! My father, ever since I was a little girl, told me I had to date someone my color or lighter. I once brought home a boyfriend who had dark skin and he almost had a heart attack, said I could never see him again.Lähde
Alta löytyy uusi dokumentti, jossa aiheena ovat vaaleaihoiset tai eurokeskiset afroamerikkalaiset, jotka nähtävästi voivat kokea syrjintää mustien keskuudessa, koska eivät näytä aidosti mustilta. Sitä voisi äkkiseltään ajatella osaltaan vanhan yhden pisaran säännön takia mustien näkevän kaikki vähänkin afrikkalaisen ulkonäön omaavat mustina, mutta näin ei aina ole tutkimusten mukaan.
Vaikka tutkimuksissa on kerrottu vaaleaihoisilla tai eurokeskisillä mustilla naisilla olevan paremmin asiat koskien varsinkin parisuhteita, koska mustat miehet tykkäävät enemmän näistä naisista kuin aidommista mustista naisista voi tämä olla sitten yksi syy, miksi esim. eurokeskisempi musta nainen voi joutua kiusaamisen kohteeksi mustien naisten taholta, koska ovat vaikka kateellisia naiselle, joka mahdollisesti saa paljonkin huomiota miehiltä.
Dokumentti tullaan esittämään Oprah Winfrey Network tv-kanavalla ensi vuonna, että silloin tiedetään paremmin tästä mustien keskuudessa esiintyvästä colorismista vaikka siitä voi myös lukea tutkimuksista. Muutenkin näitä mustien omia tv-kanavia pitäisi tutkia, mutta sen vähän perusteella, kun katselin näytti ulkonäkö monilla mustilla naisilla olevan sanotaanko eurokeskinen, joka näkyi esim. suorissa hiuksissa vaikka mustilla naisilla on yleisemmin afrotukka.
Google Scholar:sta muutamia poimintoja tältä vuodelta hakusanoilla colorism ja light skin.
No dark skin girls allowed. (18 May 2014, 22:49) Light skin girls will fart in a place and we’d suspect the dark skin girls …. (16 May 2014, 17:26)Lähde
Phenotyping the system of prejudice and discrimination, which gives preference to European physical characteristics and devalues those of Amerindians, Africans, and Asians, affects the lives of many Latinos in the United States. This study examines the impact of phenotyping on academic and employment outcomes among Latino adolescents/young adults. Outcomes examined include the odds of graduating from high school, finding full-time employment after completing high school, and attending college. Socioeconomic status (measured at individual and school levels), family structure, quality of parent–child relationships, immigrant generational status, and other measures are included as controls. Multilevel modeling and logistic regression are utilized as analytical tools. Results indicate that, among Latinos, light skin and blue eyes are associated with better academic outcomes than having dark skin and brown eyes, while those with darker skin enter the labor market earlier than their light-skinned co-ethnics.Lähde
This study was designed to examine how skin tone discrimination affects African American women. The phenomenon of colorism is not exclusive to African American women, but the manifestations on this group are diverse, and the effects are unique. Previous research has shown that the experience of colorism is pervasive within the Black community and that most African American women have been, either culturally or personally, affected by intra-racial discrimination. This body of work used a focus group to investigate the experiences of African American women who were categorized according to their self ascribed skin tone group. It specifically explored skin tone bias as a three-tiered variable in terms of intra-racial dynamics, including light, brown, and dark skinned women. The experiences of these women were coded into broader themes that depict the experiences of African American women as a function of their skin tone. The findings suggest that women of different hues have unique experiences based on their skin tone, and that these experiences influence how they feel about themselves, and how they interact with others. This research should inform the clinical work of future clinicians engaging with this population. It will hopefully stimulate critical discussions within academic forums that would promote further research and better understanding of this group's dynamics.Lähde
Over the last decade, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has seen a significant increase in the number of discrimination claims based on skin shade. However, in some ways, substantiating colorism has proven to be more difficult than documenting racism, as skin tone data are rarely collected and few existing skin tone measures have been validated. The present study examines an increasingly popular skin tone scale that includes a professionally designed color guide to enhance rater consistency. Logistic regression analysis of data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and General Social Survey indicates that despite the addition of the color guide, the race of the interviewer matters for the assessment of respondent skin tone. On average, African American respondents with a white interviewer were about 3 times more likely to be classified as dark than those with an African American interviewer. We argue that failing to appropriately account for this race-of-interviewer effect can significantly impact colorism findings.Lähde
Black women today still struggle with self-esteem due to the perpetuation of lighter skin and long hair continuously used as the representation of the collective Black women of our community. This is reflected among popular Black women such as Nicki Minaj, Tyra Banks and even Beyoncé who have lightened their skin tone and lightened and straightened their hair to fit a more favorable perception of Black women, which young Black girls idealize.Lähde