Facial feminization surgery
Evolutionary Psychology Lecture 6: Female Mate Preferences.
Attraction to Male Facial Masculinity in Gay Men in China: Relationship to Intercourse Preference Positions and Sociosexual Behavior
Facial correlates of sociosexuality
The Role of Facial Attractiveness and Facial Masculinity/Femininity in Sex Classification of Faces
Male facial attractiveness: evidence for hormone-mediated adaptive design
Female preference for male faces changes cyclically: Further evidence
Male facial appearance signals physical strength to women
Male facial masculinity influences attributions of personality and reproductive strategy
Sociosexuality predicts women's preferences for symmetry in men's faces.
Beauty and the beast: mechanisms of sexual selection in humans
Mate Choice in Human
Alla on mielenkiintoisia osaltaan Philippe Rushton:lle tyypillisiä havaintoja, joita tuovat esille aasialaiset miehet. Vaikkei muutaman henkilön näkemyksen perusteella pidä tehdä yleistyksiä on kuitenkin monien tutkijoiden stereotypia väitteistä huolimatta selvää, että aasialaisia ei pidetä länsimaissa erityisen maskuliinisina, josta sitten tietenkin sekarotuisten parisuhteiden osalta hyötyvät aasialaiset naiset. Kun eilen katselin japanilaisia pornosivustoja, niin täytyy sanoa monien japanilaisten naisten olleen hämmästyttävän kauniita, joten ymmärrän hyvin monen miehen halua pariutua aasialaisen naisen kanssa. Tässä voidaan myös huomata sellainen tekijä, että ei naisen tarvitse olla sekarotuinen tai monietninen ollaakseen kaunis.
Lisäksi alla tuodaan mielenkiintoisesti esille kuinka Japanissa tytöt tykkäävät enemmän feminiinisemmän näköisistä miespuolisista julkkiksista ja kuinka varsinkin kansainväliset aasialaiset opiskelijat ovat hyvin ahkeria ja vapaa-aikana pelaavat usein pelejä netissä, että aikamoisia nörttejä. Muistaakseni myös jossain toisessa mielenkiintoisessa tutkimuksessa kerrottiin kuinka aasialaisilla miehillä ei ole pahemmin korkeakouluissa tyttöystäviä, kun taas muiden rotujen miehet usein haalivat itselleen aasialaisen naisen ja vastaavasti muiden rotujen naiset eivät usein aasialaisista miehistä tykkää. En kiistä, etteikö stereotypioilla eli yleistyksillä olisi kielteisiä vaikutuksia kuinka kaikilla aasialaisilla miehillä on pieni penis vaikka osalla voi olla suurempi kuin mustalla miehellä.
Dane: [Asians are] [n]erdy, like really smart and studious. Like when I think of the international Asian students who never want to leave their rooms, they’re always studying and just super try hard in class and when they’re not studying they’re playing videogames online. And like all interaction is through electronic means, not like going out and doing stuff.Lähde
Joe: And I'm trying to differentiate in my mind between attractive and masculine. Because in Tokyo, or in Japan, the guys that are popular with the majority of Japanese girls are really skinny and pretty much they wear make-up. They shave their eyebrows to like a little line. So girls actually favored that. But they are not masculine at all.
Drew: Yeah. It's like in American commercials where you see men, they're like big. Shirtless but they got huge muscles and everything. And tall and just like men. Like in terms of males, you have a spectrum of masculinity. On one end, you have feminine. I feel like on a feminine end, you got more Asians. Whites are on the middle and maybe blacks, like more… [crosstalk] I mean just physically you know they’re usually big like you watch football or basketball, they’re all big.
ID Hospital:in sivuilta tuli vastaan artikkeli koskien Let Me In ohjelmaa, jossa hyvin monet korealaiset kauneusleikkauksia tekevät yritykset tekevät usein ilmaiseksi kymmenien tuhansien dollarien arvosta leikkauksia huomattavan ruman ulkonäön omaaville naisille. Alla kerrotaan yhdestä poikamaisesta naisesta, josta ovat monet miehet olleet ohjelman jälkeen kiinnostuneita. Videossa kerrotaan myös naisen ulkonäöstä kuinka naisella on ollut prognatismia, johon liittyy tuo orthognathic leikkaus. Lisäksi naisella on alaleukaa muotoiltu leikkaamalla luusta kulmikkuutta pois, poskiluita pienennetty, tehty barbiemainen nenä, silmiä suurennettu ja ihon ulkonäköä parannettu, johon liittyen videossa voi nähdä kuinka naiselta poistetaan tatuointeja.
Ms. Bae was chosen as the 1st Let Me In Beauty. She was grown up as if she were male, so she just looked like a man from her appearance to her personality.Lähde - Katso video
Owing to Let Me In doctors from ID Hospital, Ms. Bae was dramatically transformed. After the great makeover, she became popular. Total five guys have been confessed their loves to her within two months, and there are more guys who showed their interests in her.
This study addressed racial differences in perceived masculinity, defined as people's perceptions about how masculine a group of people is. College students (N = 250; the majority were White American women) were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 conditions to provide their reactions to 1 of the following target groups: Asian American men, Black American men, or White American men. Participants perceived Asian American men as less masculine than Black and White American men and Black American men as the most masculine group.Lähde
Population differences exist in personality and sexual behavior such that, in terms of restraint, Orientals > whites > blacks. This ordering is predicted from an evolutionary theory of View the MathML source reproductive strategies in which a tradeoff occurs between gamete production and parental care. Literature is reviewed on differences between the three groups in rate of ovulation, intercourse frequencies, sexual attitudes, developmental precocity, size of genitalia, secondary sexual characteristics, and biologic control of behavior that accord with this formulation. Novel analyses of data from the Institute for Sex Research are also carried out, indicating that American blacks, compared to American whites, are more precocious and less restrained. Their parents were younger when they were born, had more children, and had an earlier mortality. Blacks left home earlier, experienced a variety of premarital, marital, and extramarital sexual events earlier, had a greater number of premarital and extramarital partners, had a greater frequency of marital intercourse, used fewer contraceptives, and had a greater incidence of pregnancy, at a faster rate. The men had larger penises, at a different angle of erection, and maintained intromission longer, while the women had shorter menstrual cycles, more periodicity of sexual response, and a greater number of orgasms per act of coitus. Whites varied their sexual activity more, both with spouses and with prostitutes, although blacks consorted with prostitutes more frequently. Finally, blacks had a shorter duration of marriage and more permissive sexual attitudes.Lähde
The stereotyped sex roles are disastrous for us East Asians. The feminization and infantilization hitting both sexes, have direct consequences in our daily lives. East Asian men are desexualized, and are attractive only for some homosexual men or pedophiles. East Asian women are on the other hand hyper-sexualized but in a way that cannot be called sexuality: it is rather a question of power, violence and strains of pedophilia.Lähde
For women, choosing a facially masculine man as a mate is thought to confer genetic benefits to offspring. Crucial assumptions of this hypothesis have not been adequately tested. It has been assumed that variation in facial masculinity is due to genetic variation and that genetic factors that increase male facial masculinity do not increase facial masculinity in female relatives. We objectively quantified the facial masculinity in photos of identical (n = 411) and nonidentical (n = 782) twins and their siblings (n = 106). Using biometrical modeling, we found that much of the variation in male and female facial masculinity is genetic. However, we also found that masculinity of male faces is unrelated to their attractiveness and that facially masculine men tend to have facially masculine, less-attractive sisters. These findings challenge the idea that facially masculine men provide net genetic benefits to offspring and call into question this popular theoretical framework.Lähde
Most studies of female facial masculinity preference have relied upon self-reported preference, with participants selecting or rating the attractiveness of faces that differ in masculinity. However, researchers have not established a consensus as to whether women's general preference is for male faces that are masculine or feminine, and several studies have indicated that women prefer neither. We investigated women's preferences for male facial masculinity using standard two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) preference trials, paired with eye tracking measures, to determine whether conscious and non-conscious measures of preference yield similar results. We found that women expressed a preference for, gazed longer at, and fixated more frequently on feminized male faces. We also found effects of relationship status, relationship context (whether faced are judged for attractiveness as a long- or short-term partner), and hormonal contraceptive use. These results support previous findings that women express a preference for feminized over masculinized male faces, demonstrate that non-conscious measures of preference for this trait echo consciously expressed preferences, and suggest that certain aspects of the preference decision-making process may be better captured by eye tracking than by 2AFC preference trials.Lähde
Facial appearance in humans is associated with attraction and mate choice. Numerous studies have identified that adults display directional preferences for certain facial traits including symmetry, averageness, and sexually dimorphic traits. Typically, studies measuring human preference for these traits examine declared (e.g., choice or ratings of attractiveness) or visual preferences (e.g., looking time) of participants. However, the extent to which visual and declared preferences correspond remains relatively untested. In order to evaluate the relationship between these measures we examined visual and declared preferences displayed by men and women for opposite-sex faces manipulated across three dimensions (symmetry, averageness, and masculinity) and compared preferences from each method. Results indicated that participants displayed significant visual and declared preferences for symmetrical, average, and appropriately sexually dimorphic faces. We also found that declared and visual preferences correlated weakly but significantly. These data indicate that visual and declared preferences for manipulated facial stimuli produce similar directional preferences across participants and are also correlated with one another within participants. Both methods therefore may be considered appropriate to measure human preferences. However, while both methods appear likely to generate similar patterns of preference at the sample level, the weak nature of the correlation between visual and declared preferences in our data suggests some caution in assuming visual preferences are the same as declared preferences at the individual level. Because there are positive and negative factors in both methods for measuring preference, we suggest that a combined approach is most useful in outlining population level preferences for traits.Lähde
Caster Semenya, a South African female track and field star from rural Limpopo South Africa, won the IAAF 2009 World Championships in the 800-meter event. She was then subjected to “gender-verification” testing. Media reports, especially in the United States, underscored that Semenya underwent gender-verification testing because of her “deep voice, muscular build, and rapid improvement in times.” Combining content and textual analysis, we conducted a comparative media analysis of the Caster Semenya controversy in the United States and the South African print news media. Results demonstrated that the United States print media coverage framed the controversy in terms of Semenya’s “true” sex, “medicalized” debates about sex testing, and discussed the limitations of medical assessment of male and female bodies in sport. In comparison, South African print media sources focused on human rights, nationalism, and “strategic essentialism” to frame Semenya as a “true” woman defending the nation against a perceived racist assault. We conclude the article with transformative visions of sport rooted in postcolonial feminism and critical feminist studies.Lähde
Transeksuaalit ovat naiskauneuden kannalta mielenkiintoisia, koska heidän kautta voi tarkastella sitä kuinka miehestä saadaan tehtyä nainen ja varsinkin kaunis nainen. Tämä ei tietenkään ole aikuisille miehille helppoa, mutta alla olevassa lainauksessa tuodaan hyvin esille kuinka murrosiässä voi estää pojan muuttumisen liialti mieheksi. Kauneusleikkausten osalta tästä käytetään nimitystä facial feminization surgery, joka tulee yleensä kalliiksi miehille, jos haluaa tehdä itsestään aidomman naisen. Internetin keskustelupalstoilta löytyy juttua näistä hinnoista, että siinä menee helposti kymmeniä tuhansia dollareita.
Today, if a boy expresses a concrete desire to become female—and has accepting and supportive parents—he can be placed on a course of drugs commonly known as “puberty blockers.” These slow the growth of secondary sex characteristics so the boy’s shoulders won’t broaden, and he won’t develop that unmistakable upper‐lip fuzz. His voice won’t drop to irretrievable depths, and his nose and jaw will retain their soft, childlike shape. When he enters adulthood and wants to transition, his battle will be a significantly easier one to fight.Lähde
Facial masculinity is simply how masculine a face looks. It is a configural perception, a gestalt, a consolidation of the following: a square chin, protruding brow ridges, square jaws, and broad cheekbones (e.g. Enlow & Hans, 1996; Hennessy et al., 2005; Rosas & Bastir, 2002).Lähde
Facial femininity is its opposite quality and consists of a V-shaped face, enlarged eyes, a small & concave nose, full projecting lips, and high eyebrows (e.g. Cunningham, 1986; Braun et al, 2001).
The skulls of a feminine woman (left) and a masculine man.Lähde