11. joulukuuta 2014


Alla on uusimpia kirjoituksia, joita en ole lajitellut vaikka siirsin osan esim. Pelit osioon koskien Tekkeniä ja naishahmojen kaunista ulkonäköä, joka vastaa aika hyvin oikeita naisia vaikka joissain peleissä voidaankin liioitella varsinkin vartalon muotoja.

Katselin taas pitkästä aikaa Google Scholar:sta uusia tutkimuksia, joissa muutamissa taas kerran mainitaan tämä eurokeskinen kauneusihanne, joka vaikuttaa aasialaisiin, että mustiin. Näissä tutkimuksissa voi usein havaita, ettei tutkija ole luultavasti tarkemmin perehtynyt muihin kauneustutkimuksiin, jos tutkija esim. pohdiskelee syitä sille, miksi aasialaiset naiset haluavat tehdä silmistään suuremmat.

Jos tutkija perehtyisi näihin tutkimuksiin kävisi hänelle ilmi, että ihmiset yleisesti näkevät suuremmat silmät kauniina naisilla, kun taas monilla aasialaisilla naisilla tahtoo olla liian pienet ja esim. väsyneen ja ilmeettömän näköiset silmät. Tietysti länsimailla on oma vaikutuksensa, jonka myös monet aasialaiset naisetkin tuovat esille haluamalla omata enemmän eurooppalaiselle tai monelle eurasialaiselle naiselle tyypilliset suuremmat silmät, mutta halu tällaiseen ulkonäköön voi kuitenkin pitkälti perustua siihen, että ihmiset tykkäävät suuremmista ja näyttävistä silmistä naisilla, jotka tekevät naisesta myös söpömmän. Toisaalta aasialaisten naisten osalta voidaan usein havaita, että vaikka heillä onkin yleisesti pienet silmät, niin siitä huolimatta moni aasialainen nainen näyttää söpöltä johtuen kasvonmuodosta.

Katselin tässä paljon kertomaani Skin Care Talk sivustoa, josta löytyi juttua Tameka Harris nimisestä naisesta, joka halusi muuttaa silmän väriä. Poimin tuohon myös Kiinan kielisen linkin SoYoung sivustolle, jossa tarkastellaan suun alueen muotoa kauneuden kannalta. Alla kuitenkin voidaan nähdä nättejä aasialaisia naisia ja kuten tuossa jo totesin ovat monet aasialaiset naiset pienemmiltä näyttävistä silmistä huolimatta aika söpön, feminiinisen ja iloisen näköisiä. Aasialaisilla tietenkin silmän muodot vaihtelee, että on niitä joilla silmät eivät oikein näytä kauniilta, jos silmät ovat tosi pieniä, mutta sitten on paremman näköistä silmän muotoa, jota myös kauneusleikkauksilla pyritään luomaan.

Tameka Harris aka "Tiny" has eye color- change surgey

Alla on sitten tutkimus koskien korkokenkiä ja tutkimuksessa havaitaan kuinka miehet ovat mielellään auttaneet naista, jolla on ollut pisimmät korot. En pääse tutkimusta kokonaan lukemaan, mutta siellä kerrotaan myös muista tutkimuksista koskien varsinkin hiusväriä kuinka miehet ovat baarissa tykänneet enemmän vaaleahiuksisesta naisesta. Pitäisi vielä tarkemmin perehtyä naisten säärien kauneuteen, mutta voidaan muutamien tutkimusten perusteella havaita ihmisten tykkäävän pitkistä ja leveydeltään pienistä jaloista naisilla, jota tietenkin osaltaan korkokengät korostavat. Tämä tykkääminen voidaan havaita varsinkin tytöille myytävissä nukeissa, joilla on usein huomattavan pitkät sääret. Siitä voi aina kiistellä kuinka paljon tässä pitkien säärten tykkäämisessä on kyse barbiesta tai mediasta, mutta yksi selitys on siinä, että pidemmät sääret tekevät ihmisestä aikuisemman näköisen. Vaikka sitä on tuotu esille naisen kauneudessa olevan osaltaan kyse neoteniasta, niin ei varsinkaan länsimaalainen kauneusihanne ole täysin vauvamainen tai tyttömäinen esim. korkean nenän, leveän lantion, pitkien säärien ja suurten rintojen osalta, mutta voidaan sanoa aasialaisten naisten olevan monilta osin enemmän neotenisia, mutta eurooppalaiset miehet näyttävät myös tykkäävän monien aasialaisten naisten lapsenomaisesta ulkonäöstä.
Research has found that the appearance of women’s apparel helps increase their attractiveness as rated by men and that men care more about physical features in potential opposite-sex mates. However, the effect of sartorial appearance has received little interest from scientists. In a series of studies, the length of women’s shoe heels was examined. A woman confederate wearing black shoes with 0, 5, or 9 cm heels asked men for help in various circumstances. In Study 1, she asked men to respond to a short survey on gender equality. In Study 2, the confederate asked men and women to participate in a survey on local food habit consumption. In Study 3, men and women in the street were observed while walking in back of the female confederate who dropped a glove apparently unaware of her loss. It was found that men’s helping behavior increased as soon as heel length increased. However, heel length had no effect on women’s helping behavior. It was also found that men spontaneously approached women more quickly when they wore high-heeled shoes (Study 4). Change in gait, foot-size judgment, and misattribution of sexiness and sexual intent were used as possible explanations.
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Google Scholar:in kautta päädyin lukemaan nimen perusteella suomalaistaustaisen Pirkko Markulan kirjoitusta, jossa tarkastellaan kehoa rakentavia lihaksikkaampia naisia ja siihen liittyen feminiinisyyttä.
Notably, there is no ‘masculinity’ requirement for the male contestants. Feminist researchers, many bodybuilders themselves (e.g., Bolin, Heywood, Ian, Lowe, Tajrobekar), point to the contradictions embedded in the requirement to build the ideal feminine bodybuilders’ physique. They observe that building large muscles is still associated with maleness and as St. Martin and Gavey (1996) describe, the very muscular elite women bodybuilders’ bodies become to resemble the male bodybuilders’ bodies. Despite women’s own desire to build as big muscles as possible (e.g., Bolin, 2003; Boyle, 2005; Ian, 2001), there appears to be a continual pressure to balance the masculinizing effects of visible muscle mass by emphasizing the feminine. Various insignias of femininity are added (breast implants, long blond hair, feminine accessories such ear rings, visible make-up, manicured finger nails) to ensure compliance with the judging criteria and resulting competitive success. Anne Bolin, a bodybuilder and anthropologist, also points to differences in the women’s competition poses that ensure ‘feminine appeal’ as opposed to directly showing the muscle size similar to men’s poses.
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Muutamia mielenkiintoisia linkkejä.

Kicking the Stone: The Hard Reality of Race Relations
Are Chinese Babies More Docile?
Race and Crime in America
In Defense of Black Cultural Appropriation of Ancient Egypt
Great Moments in Cultural Studies Retractions
NYT Demotes George Zimmerman from "White Hispanic" Back Down to "White" Again
80-year-old Charles Manson to Marry 26-year-old Woman
Catcalling Video by Location: You'll Never Ever Guess Which Neighborhood Comprised 59%
"Why Do We Vote as We Do?"
Black v. white physical differences in sports

Tutkimukseni perusteella kauneudella on suuri merkitys elämässä ja ihmisillä näyttää olevan yleisesti aika samanlainen maku koskien naisten feminiinistä ulkonäköä. Voidaan havaita, että joka vuosi julkaistaan paljonkin tutkimuksia koskien varsinkin mustia naisia ja heihin liittyen esim. ihonväri ja hiukset ovat aiheina. Länsimaissa nämä kaksi tekijää eivät ole mikään erityinen ongelma, koska varsinkin eurooppalaiset ovat yleisesti vaaleaihoisia ja omaavat myös suoremmat hiukset. Nykyään helpottunut liikkuvuus aiheuttaa kuitenkin monia ongelmia, jos varsinkin maahanmuuttajan ulkonäkö ei ole länsimaalaisen kauneusihanteen mukainen tai sellainen, mistä länsimaalaiset miehet yleisesti tykkäävät. Tästä sitten aiheutuu seurauksena se, että mustat naiset varsinkin joutuvat länsimaissa syrjinnän kohteeksi. Eipä tälle asialle taida paljoakaan voida vaikka naisen kannalta se onkin valitettavaa. Tulevaisuus on kyllä mielenkiintoinen, kun me kuitenkin elämme tällä hetkellä suurten väestöllisten muutosten aikakautta, että tuleeko esim. Euroopassa olemaan sadan vuoden kuluttua eliitti joka näyttää huomattavan eurooppalaiselta, mutta muutoin alempaan luokkaan kuuluva väestö on muuttunut jokseenkin sekarotuiseksi ja miksei myös mulattimaiseksi.
The enduring taboo subject is skin color, whether an individual’s complexion betrays an allegiance to the Spanish who conquered the Aztec empire in 1521 or the Aztecs who were conquered. It’s no exaggeration to say that, in this country and especially in this city, the best, highest-paying, most important jobs often seem to go to those who, in addition to having the best education and the strongest connections, have the lightest skin. On television, in politics and in academia, you see light-skinned people. On construction sites, in police forces and in restaurant kitchens, you’re more likely to find those who are dark-skinned. In the priciest neighborhoods, the homeowners have light skin, and the housekeepers are dark. Everyone knows this, and yet no one talks about it, at least not in elite circles.
Lähde - Chic Magazine Monterrey - The Visual Word Form Area

Alla on kaikenlaisia linkkejä, joita olen aiemmin ottanut talteen, mutta esim. Google Scholar:sta löytyy tähän Itä-Aasian maissa ilmenevään eurooppalaisten mallien käyttämiseen liittyen Katherine Frith nimiseltä tutkijalta mielenkiintoisia kirjoituksia, että hän on jo kauan sitten laittanut tämän merkille kuinka eurooppalaisia käytetään mainonnassa.

Race and beauty: a comparison of Asian and Western models in women's magazine advertisements

Women's magazines in Asian and Middle Eastern countries
China's Beauty Economy

Western and Asian Models in Japanese Fashion Magazine Ads
Buying Beauty: Cosmetic Surgery in China

Race and Masculinity
Daim Hard & Soft

Muutama löytö Google Scholar:sta, joista ensimmäisessä kerrotaan leuan muokkaamisesta sirommaksi, josta aasialaiset nykyisin tykkäävät, kuten noista jälkeen kuvista voi nähdä. Toisessa tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan 3d kuvauksella afroamerikkalaisten ja valkoisten kasvojen eroja. Afroamerikkalaisten osalta tulee aina muistaa heidän olevan keskimäärin pieneltä osin geneettisesti eurooppalaisia, mutta siitä huolimatta voidaan havaita keskimääräisiä eroja, jonka varmasti moni havaitsee omin silmin kuinka mustilla on useimmin suuremmat huulet ja leveämpi nenä.

Lower Face Contouring By a Novel Genioplasty Method
A 3D analysis of Caucasian and African American facial morphologies in a US population

Noista tutkimuksista voi poimia hakusanoja, joten Google:lla käyttäen wider alar base hakusanaa löytyi muutama mielenkiintoinen linkki.

Unlike Caucasians, many Asians have wide alar and flared nostril
alar base reduction
Anatomy and Analysis
Conclusions: This study reaffirms the authors’ previous findings that the 45:55 ratio has universal appeal in defining the ideal breast. The authors propose that this proportion should be used as a basis for design in aesthetic surgery.

Googlen kuvahakua käyttämällä löytää paljon mielenkiintoisia ja erikoisia sivustoja käyttämällä esim. hakusanoja feminine beauty, mutta samalla voi myös katsoa millaisia naisia pidetään kuvien perusteella yleisesti kauniina. Tässä tietysti vaikuttaa länsimaat, että länsimaissa on tapana tietenkin nähdä eurooppalaiset naiset tai heiltä enemmän näyttävät naiset kauneimpina, jonka takia jos etsisi kiinaksi löytyisi varmaan enemmän kuvia aasialaisista naisista, jotka ovat myös kauniita.

Universal Standard of Feminine Beauty and Its Impact on Plastic Surgery
The Beauty And Femininity Of A Woman
The Role of the Feminine Mother
Feminine and Simple Makeup Tips - Part I
Kenneth Clark, 1980.
Physical beauty in a woman may not be everything, but for good or bad it's certainly very important. Would Prince Charming have asked Cinderella for a dance and fallen in love with her if she had not been the most beautiful girl at the ball? The honest answer is probably "No".

Psychological studies show that men still rank female beauty the highest among a long list of attributes that they seek in women. The phrase "I love you for your beauty" is hardly likely to be heard from the lips of a man in these politically correct days, but it is nevertheless often true, at least in the earliest stages of a relationship. A wonderful mind is great, but sometimes - like Cinderella - you also need the "beauty" to create the initial opening.
Despite all of the advances made in the field of evolutionary psychology of mate choice and facial attractiveness, there remain some who resist the idea that this area of study can shed light on the human aesthetic. David Perrett, a psychologist at the University of St. Andrews, writes that “Once I began working on what makes faces attractive, the reactions my work received from fellow academics and others really surprised me: some people argued that human beauty should not be studied; most questioned whether it could be studied at all” [1]. Apart from criticisms of Darwinian theory and evolutionary psychology in particular, criticisms of the very concept of beauty abound. Naomi Wolf’s book The Beauty Myth, for example, argues that the concept of beauty and attractiveness has been perpetuated in order to keep women in their place, while social anthropologists and other social scientists tend to emphasise the interpersonal interaction aspect to attractiveness, while minimising any objective element to it [12]. In philosophy, as in other arts disciplines, the maxim seems to stay “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” [1].
There’s no getting around it. In this world, you’re better off being good-looking. At all ages and in all walks of life, attractive people are judged more favorably, treated better, and cut more slack. Mothers give more affection to attractive babies. Teachers favor more attractive students and judge them as smarter. Attractive adults get paid more for their work and have better success in dating and mating. And juries are less likely to find attractive people guilty and recommend lighter punishments when they do.
While Eurocentric beauty ideals mandate that hair be straight and flowing, African-American women’s hair is often textured and less fine than their Caucasian counterparts (Thompson, 2009). In fact, African-American women are often teased and bullied about their natural hair. African-American women’s hair is often referred to as “kinky” and “nappy” and considered not as attractive as straight hair. In order to combat this beauty stereotype, many African-American women struggle to conform to Eurocentric beauty standards by straightening or perming their hair or wearing a weave, despite the significant pain and monetary costs they incur (Tate, 2007; Thompson, 2009). Failure to conform leaves them not only “not beautiful” in society's estimation but also at risk of being considered militant and anti-white. Additionally, Westernized standards of beauty prize lighter skin over darker skin (Hill, 2002). Lighter skin is prized and considered more beautiful than darker shades. In an attempt to adapt to Eurocentric beauty ideals some African-American women purchase skin-lightening creams despite the fact that these products can be dangerous to their health.
The researchers suggest that the perception of facial attractiveness is a result of a cognitive averaging process by which people take in all the faces they see and average them to get an ideal width ratio and an ideal length ratio. They also posit that "averageness" (like symmetry) is a proxy for health and that we may be predisposed by biology and evolution to find average faces attractive. The authors note that only Caucasian female faces were studied. Further studies are needed to know whether there is a different set of golden ratios for male faces and for faces from other races or for children's faces.
Symmetry and averageness play important roles in determining the attractiveness of a face; although distinguishing features make it extraordinarily beautiful. Such features make a female face appear both childlike and mature as well as expressive. Women's preferences as to what constitutes a particularly attractive male face are controversial, since female observers are greatly influenced by their menstrual cycles or their environment when responding to male faces.

Finally, allowance has to be made for the fact that the ideal of beauty is subject to certain fluctuations in fashion.
With 86 shows on the Milan schedule and each show with an average cast of 25 models, the odds are there would be more than a handful of blacks, Asians and other visible minorities. But in the few shows that did have ethnically diverse models on the catwalk, the non-white faces were ridiculously easy to count – perhaps one black and rarely more than two Asians.
Facial proportions are of interest in orthodontics. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference in golden proportions of the soft-tissue facial balance between Japanese and white women.

The null hypothesis was verified in the group 3 actresses in the facial height components. Some measurements in groups 1 and 2 showed different facial proportions that deviated from the golden proportion (ratio).
Little is known about mate choice preferences outside Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies, even though these Western populations may be particularly unrepresentative of human populations. To our knowledge, this is the first study to test which facial cues contribute to African perceptions of African female attractiveness and also the first study to test the combined role of facial adiposity, skin colour (lightness, yellowness and redness), skin homogeneity and youthfulness in the facial attractiveness preferences of any population. Results show that youthfulness, skin colour, skin homogeneity and facial adiposity significantly and independently predict attractiveness in female African faces. Younger, thinner women with a lighter, yellower skin colour and a more homogenous skin tone are considered more attractive. These findings provide a more global perspective on human mate choice and point to a universal role for these four facial cues in female facial attractiveness.
Prior research investigating the perception of men's faces has not considered the hybrid nature of black and white racial characteristics. Fifteen faces ranging from “pure” black or white to “hybrid” black and white were rated in the present research. Main effects for race of face were hypothesized. Predominantly black faces were expected to receive higher ratings for dominance and gender identity characteristics. Predominantly white faces were expected to receive the highest attractiveness rating and higher ratings for nurturant and expressive characteristics. The results supported the hypotheses and are discussed in terms of parental investment theory and existing research.
Esthetic attractiveness of faces of African American orthodontic patients is rated differently in photos and silhouettes. When evaluating soft-tissue esthetic profile preferences, rater preferences in the photographs were closer to the established esthetic norm than were their preferences in the silhouettes. Using silhouettes to evaluate patient esthetics could influence clinicians or researchers to select profiles that are flatter than the established esthetic norm.
Using the theory of social comparison, this study examines the impact of exposure to advertisements of thin, physically attractive, Caucasian and African American models on the self-evaluations of African American women exhibiting varying levels of self-reported body esteem. As expected, exposure to idealized images of Caucasian models was not related to lowered self-evaluations regardless of the level of body esteem. However, women with low levels of body esteem did report lowered self-satisfaction with body esteem when exposed to physically attractive images of African American models. Results suggest that similarity or ethnicity of the idealized image may have an impact on African American women’s self-evaluations. Theoretical implications are discussed with respect to future research in the area of racial issues and mass media effects.
Large eyes, a well-defined, pointed nose, and a smaller chin are standards of beauty in women for many cultures. And they have been what is considered the ideal beauty in Asia for centuries, well before its assimilation with the West.
Testosterone-dependent secondary sexual characteristics in males may signal immunological competence and are sexually selected for in several species. In humans, oestrogen-dependent characteristics of the female body correlate with health and reproductive fitness and are found attractive. Enhancing the sexual dimorphism of human faces should raise attractiveness by enhancing sex-hormone-related cues to youth and fertility in females, and to dominance and immunocompetence in males. Here we report the results of asking subjects to choose the most attractive faces from continua that enhanced or diminished differences between the average shape of female and male faces. As predicted, subjects preferred feminized to average shapes of a female face. This preference applied across UK and Japanese populations but was stronger for within-population judgements, which indicates that attractiveness cues are learned. Subjects preferred feminized to average or masculinized shapes of a male face. Enhancing masculine facial characteristics increased both perceived dominance and negative attributions (for example, coldness or dishonesty) relevant to relationships and paternal investment. These results indicate a selection pressure that limits sexual dimorphism and encourages neoteny in humans.
Femininity is clearly attractive in female faces. Whether feminine traits are measured (Cunningham 1986, Cunningham et al. 1995, Johnston & Franklin 1993, Jones & Hill 1993, Koehler et al. 2004), rated (Bruce et al. 1994, Dunkle & Francis 1990, Koehler et al. 2004, O’Toole et al. 1998, Rhodes et al. 2003a), or manipulated (Johnston et al. 2001, Perrett et al. 1998, Rhodes et al. 2000), they are attractive. Furthermore, composites of very attractive female faces have more feminine features (a smaller chin and higher cheekbones) and are preferred to more average composites (Perrett et al. 1994). Exaggeration of feminine features further increases attractiveness (Johnston & Franklin 1993; Perrett et al. 1994, 1998; Rhodes et al. 2000; Russell 2003). Finally, when people generate beautiful female faces on a computer, they produce faces with more feminine traits (smaller chins, smaller lower face area, fuller lips) than average (Johnston & Franklin 1993).
Investigated, in 2 quasi-experiments, the relation between specific adult female facial features and the attraction, attribution, and altruistic responses of adult males. Precise measurements were obtained of the relative size of 24 facial features in an international sample of photographs of 50 females. 75 undergraduate males provided ratings of the attractiveness of each of the females. Positively correlated with attractiveness ratings were the neonate features of large eyes, small nose, and small chin; the maturity features of prominent cheekbones and narrow cheeks; and the expressive features of high eyebrows, large pupils, and large smile. A 2nd study asked males to rate the personal characteristics of 16 previously measured females. The males were also asked to indicate the females for whom they would be most inclined to perform altruistic behaviors and to select for dating, sexual behavior, and childrearing. The 2nd study replicated the correlations of feature measurements with attractiveness. Facial features also predicted personality attributions, altruistic inclinations, and reproductive interest. Sociobiological interpretations are discussed.
Female facial attractiveness was investigated by comparing the ratings made by male judges with the metric characteristics of female faces. Three kinds of facial characteristics were considered: facial symmetry, averageness, and size of individual features. The results suggested that female face attractiveness is greater when the face is symmetrical, is close to the average, and has certain features (e.g., large eyes, prominent cheekbones, thick lips, thin eyebrows, and a small nose and chin). Nevertheless, the detrimental effect of asymmetry appears to result solely from the fact that an asymmetrical face is a face that deviates from the norm. In addition, a factor analysis indicated that averageness best accounts for female attractiveness, but certain specific features can also be enhancing.
We tested whether adults (Experiment 1) and 4–5-year-old children (Experiment 2) identify the sex of high attractive faces faster and more accurately than low attractive faces in a reaction time task. We also assessed whether facial masculinity/femininity facilitated identification of sex. Results showed that attractiveness facilitated adults’ sex classification of both female and male faces and children’s sex classification of female, but not male, faces. Moreover, attractiveness affected the speed and accuracy of sex classification independent of masculinity/femininity. High masculinity in male faces, but not high femininity in female faces, also facilitated sex classification for both adults and children. These findings provide important new data on how the facial cues of attractiveness and masculinity/femininity contribute to the task of sex classification and provide evidence for developmental differences in how adults and children use these cues. Additionally, these findings provide support for Langlois and Roggman’s (1990) averageness theory of attractiveness.
Exposure to a particular population of faces can increase ratings of the normality and attractiveness of similar-looking faces. Such exposure can also refine the perceived boundaries of that face population, such that other faces are more readily perceived as dissimilar. We predicted that relatively less exposure to opposite-sex faces, as experienced by children at single-sex compared with mixed-sex schools, would decrease ratings of the attractiveness of sexual dimorphism in opposite-sex faces (that is, boys at single-sex schools would show a decreased preference for feminised faces, and girls at single-sex schools would show a decreased preference for masculinised faces). Consistent with this prediction, girls at single-sex compared with mixed-sex schools demonstrated significantly stronger preferences for facial femininity in both male and female faces. Boys at single-sex compared with mixed-sex schools demonstrated marginally stronger preferences for facial masculinity in male faces, but did not differ in their ratings of female faces. These effects were attenuated among some single-sex school pupils by the presence of adolescent opposite-sex siblings. These data add to the evidence that long-term exposure to a particular face population can influence judgements of other faces, and contribute to our understanding of the factors leading to individual differences in face preferences.
A final more general point is that our finding can be related to the fact that people like people who are similar to themselves, as evidenced by research on assortative mating: Humans tend to choose mates that are somewhat similar (positive assortment) to themselves (Buss & Barnes, 1986). In a study of recently married couples, Watson et al. (2004) found a link between partners in social and demographic factors, such as age, political orientation, and religion. They also found a moderate effect for physical and psychological attributes. These effects are complex and can be studied in major life choices like mating, but it is possible that there is a link with faster and more subtle effects of similarity and mimicry on preference formation that can be studied in the laboratory.
In some species, female condition correlates positively with preferences for male secondary sexual traits. Women's preferences for sexually dimorphic characteristics in male faces (facial masculinity) have recently been reported to covary with self-reported attractiveness. As women's attractiveness has been proposed to signal reproductive condition, the findings in human (Homo sapiens) and other species may reflect similar processes. The current study investigated whether the covariation between condition and preferences for masculinity would generalize to 2 further measures of female attractiveness: other-rated facial attractiveness and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). Women with high (unattractive) WHR and/or relatively low other-rated facial attractiveness preferred more "feminine" male faces when choosing faces for a long-term relationship than when choosing for a short-term relationship, possibly reflecting diverse tactics in female mate choice.
We concluded that individuals, if given the opportunity, seek to promote “positive assortment” for Self’s phenotype, especially when the level of similarity approaches an optimal point that is similar to Self without causing a conscious acknowledgment of the similarity.
Two studies were conducted to determine the relative role played by overall body fat and body fat distribution as indicated by the measure of waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) in determining female perceived attractiveness and associated personality attributes. Contrary to popular belief, thin female figures were neither perceived most attractive nor assigned many desirable personality traits, except youthfulness. The measure of body fat distribution, the WHR, was found to be the critical variable associated with attractiveness. Normal weight female figures with low WHR were judged to be most attractive and were assigned many desirable qualities.
This study of prepubertal children demonstrates that: 1) sex differences in body fat distribution are present in prepubertal children but that the specific characteristics for Asians differ from African-Americans and Caucasians, and 2) differences in body fat distribution in Asian children, compared with African-Americans and Caucasians, are present but vary by sex. This comparison of African-American, Asian, and Caucasian prepubertal children suggests phenotypic differences. Additional studies are needed to explore the metabolic and health risk implications of these findings.
Two important cues to female physical attractiveness are body mass index (BMI) and body shape as measured by the waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). This study examined the relative contribution of both cues in three culturally distinct populations. A total of 119 Finnish, Sámi and British male observers rated a set of un-edited photographs of women with known BMI and WHR. The results showed that there were significant differences in preferences for physical attractiveness, with the indigenous Sámi preferring figures with larger BMIs and more tolerant of heavyweight figures than either Finnish participants in Helsinki or Britons in London, who were indistinguishable in their preferences for slim figures. The findings are discussed in terms of evolutionary psychological explanations of mate selection, and sociocultural theories which emphasizes the learning of preferences for body sizes in social and cultural contexts.
Relative shortness of lower and upper limb lengths to height is well recognized in the so-called mongoloid group, and this is interpreted as an ecological adaptation, applying Allen's rule, to the extremely cold climate in the region where the mongoloid group, especially North-east Asians, originated. Among Asians the shortness of the leg in the Japanese population is sometimes stressed due to the abundance of anthropometric data. Indeed, compared to Bambara-Fulbe males aged 30.5 in the Mali Republic, West Africa, young Japanese males aged 18.8 had a lesser height (-3.8cm/-0.54 SD) and a much lesser iliospinal height (-7.5cm/-1.87 SD) (Ashizawa, Kusumoto, Adachi, Hosaka and Kawada,1994). Ruff (1994) reviews in detail the historical background of climatic adaptation and "racial" differentiation, geographical variation in body size, and shape of the modern human.
According to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index daily poll of the US population, taller people live better lives, at least on average. They evaluate their lives more favorably, and they are more likely to report a range of positive emotions such as enjoyment and happiness. They are also less likely to report a range of negative experiences, like sadness, and physical pain, though they are more likely to experience stress and anger, and if they are women, to worry. These findings cannot be attributed to different demographic or ethnic characteristics of taller people, but are almost entirely explained by the positive association between height and both income and education, both of which are positively linked to better lives.
Skeletal muscle mass in prepubertal Asian children has not been examined previously. The aims of this study were to test the hypotheses that 1) prepubertal Asians have less appendicular skeletal muscle (ASM) mass compared with African-Americans and Caucasians, and 2) ASM is less in prepubertal Asian girls compared with Asian boys. ASM was estimated by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in healthy prepubertal girls (n = 170) and boys (n= 166). The results showed that, after adjusting for age, height, and body weight, 1) Asian girls and boys had less amounts of ASM than African-Americans (P < 0.001); 2) Asian girls had less amounts of ASM than Caucasian girls (P = 0.004); 3) there was a trend towards less ASM in Asian compared with Caucasian boys (P = 0.07); 4) and Asian girls had significantly less ASM than Asian boys (P < 0.001). This study indicates that skeletal muscle mass as a fraction of body weight is smaller in Asian compared with African-American and Caucasian children.
We conclude that the African and Caucasian runners in the present study differed with respect to oxidative enzyme activity, rate of lactate accumulation, and their ability to sustain high-intensity endurance exercise.
The difference between Asian and Caucasian eyelids is in the position of the eyelid fold. Asians who do have a crease above their eye have very different looking eyelids than Caucasians. The Asian eyelid typically starts at the crease very close to the eyelashes. As the crease gets further away from the nose, it gets larger and larger until the midpoint of the pupil, at which point the fold runs parallel to the eyelash origin.

A Caucasian lid crease is slightly different in both shape and size. It typically tapers closer to the eyelashes as the fold goes out laterally so that it is more of an upside-down "U" shape, rather than a parallel shape to the eyelash lid. The Caucasian lid crease is also about 20% larger than an Asian eyelid crease. When considering the blepharoplasty techniques that will be used to place a crease, it is important for both the patient and the surgeon to understand that the goal of double eyelid surgery is not to westernize an Asian face, but to create a crease that looks natural.
This study focuses on the relationship between eye color, gender, and psychological characteristics perceived from the human face. Photographs of 40 male and 40 female students were rated for perceived dominance and attractiveness. Attractiveness showed no relation with eye color. In contrast, eye color had a significant effect on perceived dominance in males: brown-eyed men were rated as more dominant than men with blue eyes. To control for the effect of eye color, we studied perceived dominance on the same photographs of models after changing the iris color. The eye color had no effect on perceived dominance. This suggests that some other facial features associated with eye color affect the perception of dominance in males. Geometric morphometrics have been applied to reveal features responsible for the differences in facial morphospace of blue-eyed and brown-eyed males.
This study explores how discrimination based on differences in skin complexion and physical characteristics among African-Americans is conveyed by the mass media. A content analysis of advertisements and editorial photographs appearing in black and mainstream magazines from 1989 through 1994 shows that blacks in advertisements have lighter complexions and more caucasian features than those in editorial photographs. Black females in advertisements are lighter than their male counterparts.
Why are women lighter-colored than men? Some ethologists have argued that light skin is one of several infant traits that the adult female body has adopted to calm aggressive impulses in men and induce caring behavior. This visual stimulus would thus influence male sexual response without being erogenous in and of itself. Whatever the ultimate cause, traditional social environments have tended to make women’s lighter skin a criterion of mate choice, often a leading one (Frost, 2011).
Results Compared with Caucasians, Asian eyelashes revealed lower lift-up and curl-up angles, fewer numbers and a thicker transverse diameter. However, no statistical difference was observed in length or growth rate. Duration of anagen was estimated at about 2 months. The eyelash anagen ratio obtained from five Asians was 17·8 ± 3·3%. By electron microscopy, the number of cuticular layers in transverse section was greater in Asian (8·0 ± 1·2) than Caucasian females (6·5 ± 1·1), but no statistical difference was found in single cuticle layer thickness between the two groups. Moreover, eyelash characteristics were not influenced by eye makeup in either race.

Conclusions Our results on eyelash morphology and growth characteristics demonstrated significant ethnic differences in Asian and Caucasian females that could provide basic information for future investigations.
Although facial features that are considered beautiful have been investigated across cultures using the framework of sexual selection theory, the effects of head hair on esthetic evaluations have rarely been examined from an evolutionary perspective. In the present study the effects of six hair-styles (short, medium-length, long, disheveled, knot [hair bun], unkempt) on female facial attractiveness were examined in four dimensions (femininity, youth, health, sexiness) relative to faces without visible head hair (“basic face”). Three evolutionary hypotheses were tested (covering hypothesis, healthy mate theory, and good genes model); only the good genes model was supported by our data. According to this theory, individuals who can afford the high costs of long hair are those who have good phenotypic and genetic quality. In accordance with this hypothesis, we found that only long and medium-length hair had a significant positive effect on ratings of women’s attractiveness; the other hairstyles did not influence the evaluation of their physical beauty. Furthermore, these two hairstyles caused a much larger change in the dimension of health than in the rest of the dimensions. Finally, male raters considered the longer-haired female subjects’ health status better, especially if the subjects were less attractive women. The possible relationships between facial attractiveness and hair are discussed, and alternative explanations are presented.