11. joulukuuta 2014

Sekarotuiset parisuhteet

Alta löytyy poimintoja Steve Sailerin erinomaisesta Is Love Colorblind? kirjoituksesta, jossa käsitellään paljonkin niitä asioita, joista olen kertonut kauneustutkimuksessa ja yleensäkin sekarotuisista parisuhteista. Tästä Sailerin kirjoituksesta olen varmaan kauan aikaa sitten ammentanut tietoa vaikken enää muistanut, mitä kaikkea tuossa kirjoituksessa oli kirjoitettu sekarotuisten parisuhteiden määrien ja maskuliinisuuden lisäksi. Kirjoituksessa käy hyvin ilmi, jonka olen itsekin laittanut vuosien varrella merkille kuinka esim. joitakin mustia naisia ja aasialaisia miehiä ärsyttävät sekarotuiset parisuhteet tai kuinka hiukset ovat mustille naisille ongelma. Mustien naisten osalta tämä on valitettavaa, muttei sille mitään mahda, että huomattava määrä mustista miehistä näkee valkoiset naiset hyvännäköisinä verrattuna valkoisiin miehiin, jotka eivät yhtä lailla mustista naisista tykkää.
This is a painful topic to explore honestly, so nobody does. Still, it's important because interracial marriages are a leading indicator of what life will be like in the even more diverse and integrated twenty-first century. Intermarriages show that integration can churn up unexpected racial conflicts by spotlighting enduring differences between the races.

For example, probably the most disastrous mistake Marcia Clark made in prosecuting O. J. Simpson was to complacently allow Johnny Cochran to pack the jury with black women. As a feminist, Mrs. Clark smugly assumed that all female jurors would identify with Nicole Simpson. She ignored pretrial research indicating that black women tended to see poor Nicole as The Enemy, one of those beautiful blondes who steal successful black men from their black first wives, and deserve whatever they get.

The heart of the problem for Asian men and black women is that intermarriage does not treat every sex/race combination equally: on average, it has offered black men and Asian women new opportunities for finding mates among whites, while exposing Asian men and black women to new competition from whites.


Black women's resentment of intermarriage is now a staple of daytime talk shows, hit movies like Waiting to Exhale, and magazine articles. Black novelist Bebe Moore Campbell described her and her tablemates' reactions upon seeing a black actor enter a restaurant with a blonde: "In unison, we moaned, we groaned, we rolled our eyes heavenward . . . Then we all shook our heads as we lamented for the 10,000th time the perfidy of black men, and cursed trespassing white women who dared to 'take our men.''' Like most guys, though, Asian men are reticent about admitting any frustrations in the mating game. But anger over intermarriage is visible on Internet on-line discussion groups for young Asians. The men, featuring an even-greater-than-normal-for-the-Internet concentration of cranky bachelors, accuse the women of racism for dating white guys. For example, "This [dating] disparity is a manifestation of a silent conspiracy by the racist white society and self-hating Asian [nasty word for "women''] to effect the genocide of Asian Americans.'' The women retort that the men are racist and sexist for getting sore about it. All they can agree upon is that Media Stereotypes and/or Low Self-Esteem must somehow be at fault.


This general principle -- the more racial integration there is, the more important become physical differences among the races -- can also be seen with regard to hair length. The ability to grow long hair is a useful indicator of youth and good health. (Ask anybody on chemotherapy.) Since women do not go bald and can generally grow longer hair than men, most cultures associate longer hair with femininity. Although blacks' hair doesn't grow as long as whites' or Asians' hair, that's not a problem for black women in all-black societies. After integration, though, hair often becomes an intense concern for black women competing with longer-haired women of other races. While intellectuals in black-studies departments' ebony towers denounce "Eurocentric standards of beauty,'' most black women respond more pragmatically. They one-up white women by buying straight from the source of the longest hair: the Wall Street Journal recently reported on the booming business in furnishing African-American women with "weaves'' and "extensions'' harvested from the follicularly gifted women of China.


Understanding the impact of genetic racial differences on American life is a necessity for anybody who wants to understand our increasingly complex society. For example, the sense of betrayal felt by Asian men certainly makes sense. After all, they tend to surpass the national average in those long-term virtues -- industry, self-restraint, law-abidingness -- that society used to train young women to look for in a husband. Yet, now that discrimination has finally declined enough for Asian men to expect to reap the rewards for fulfilling traditional American standards of manliness, our culture has largely lost interest in indoctrinating young women to prize those qualities.

The frustrations of Asian men are a warning sign. When, in the names of freedom and feminism, young women listen less to the hard-earned wisdom of older women about how to pick Mr. Right, they listen even more to their hormones. This allows cruder measures of a man's worth -- like the size of his muscles -- to return to prominence. The result is not a feminist utopia, but a society in which genetically gifted guys can more easily get away with acting like Mr. Wrong.
Look, lets face facts.

Men are incredibly shallow, we go after looks first, and then maybe personality and then character.

And in the racial female sports derby Black women come in last. Good bodies, but lacking feminine charm, long silky hair, thin lips, and cute noses.

This statement will result in any number of "But I love brown sugar.." but guess what? You're a minority.

You see white men with yellow fever & Asian and black men with blond fever but very few Asian or white men want a Black woman.

Sorry, to be so blunt. But its the truth.

Itäaasialaistaustaisen Meng Hu:n näkemyksiä.
It is very likely that white women are not attracted to asian men and white men are not attracted to black women. Whites may have an “advantage” in terms of beauty. Obviously, white liberals would seek another inconceivable “excuse” to justify interracial marriage.

Because of that, the rates of single black women and single asian men are very high. While white women “steal” their men, white men “steal” our women. Personally, I don’t even care about the rise in black-white marriage. That doesn’t concern me. I am more concerned about the rise in white-asian marriage rates. But given the high rate of single black women, I feel some sympathy for them. And this is why, at times, I dislike whites far more than blacks. Blacks don’t want to date asians, and this is reciprocal.

It seems very likely to me that the neoteny of asian women constitutes one of most important reason for white men to date asian women. More strikingly, when I look at the age difference between spouses, the age difference between white men and asian women is practically twice the age difference of the other couples. I don’t like the meaning of this.

As for miscegenation, it is worth to recall the meaning of identity. “Identity” can only have a meaning as long as there are races. The word “chinese” includes several meanings : chinese ancestry, history of China, etc. The same is true of “white” : white ancestry, history of western countries, etc. A mixed race has no ancestry. His “race” has no history. A mixed blood, simply put, has no identity. He has no roots.

Here, liberals’ ideology gone awry. Liberals, in support of diversity, tend to promote the love of races and ethnicities. The races will disappear with a constant rise in intermarriage. By promoting intermarriage, liberals are not respectful of races, despite their claims to the contrary. Liberals insult white heritage, black heritage, and chinese heritage. This is why I am not a liberal.

Robert Lindsay:n näkemyksiä maskuliinisuudesta ja feminiinisyydestä koskien sekarotuisia parisuhteita.
I really do believe that there is a heirarchy of masculinity among men racially. Face it, Black guys are more masculine than us White guys. Not that that is so good – they are so masculine that it seems to lead to a lot of problems. And we White guys, I hate to say it, yeah, we are more masculine than Asian men.

I had a Black gf once and she kept insisting that I must be bisexual. She also said I was “meek.” I guess I was a great big pussy compared to the Black guys she was used to.

White women are on our level.

But I have been with a number of Asian women and they did not treat me like that Black girl at all. They treated me like I was some big, scary, dominant, hyper-masculine Paul Bunyan type. And they like that!

So you see masculinity/femininity depends on who is evaluating you really.
Black women basically do not like White guys. They think we are a bunch of pussies, wimps and faggots. This was unfortunately an issue I had to deal with from Black woman, at least that one bitch above.

Truth is: Black women like Black guys, and no one is as masculine as Black guys. White guys are a lot less masculine than Black guys, so to a Black woman weaned on Black guys, we must seem like a bunch of pussies and faggots. That’s just fine, but why should I date a woman who has contempt for me as a man? Sorry, I get enough of that shit from White women as it is.
White men have told me that they told people, when asked, that they were not interested in dating Black women because they were not attracted to them, and they were immediately denounced as racists.

As might be expected, hyperaggressive young Black males are mass-targeting White females for sex in mixed-race high schools across our land. I don’t really mind, but it is a bit sickening, let’s face it. Are Black women really so horrible or ugly that these guys must mass-pester White girls?

In many cases, the White girls say no, and when they do, they are immediately hammered with the racism charge, which typically leads to White guilt, which I guess in some cases leads to the Black kid getting some White pussy.

Tutkin tässä lisää sekarotuisten tai monietnisten parisuhteiden määriä Yhdysvalloissa ja tilastoista on mielenkiintoista havaita kuinka vähän oikeastaan Yhdysvalloissa valkoiset pariutuvat mustien kanssa, kun huomioi eri rotuun kuuluvien määrät, joiden perusteella valkoiset pariutuvat monta kertaa enemmän latinoiden tai hispaanojen kanssa kuin mustien kanssa vaikka latinoita ja mustia on lähes yhtä paljon Yhdysvaltojen väestöstä. Toisaalta mustat miehet eivät muutenkaan ole tilastojen perusteella aviomiehiä vaikka todellisuudessa avioliiton ulkopuolisia parisuhteita valkoisten naisten ja mustien miesten välillä on paljon enemmän. Yhdysvalloissa mustat naiset saavat valtavan paljon lapsia avioliiton ulkopuolella, joten olettaisin tämän pätevän myös valkoisiin naisiin, jotka ovat tai ovat olleet parisuhteessa mustan miehen kanssa.

Yhdysvalloissa aina välillä uutisoidaan kuinka valkoisista on tulossa vähemmistö, mutta latinoihin liittyen väittää heistä suurin osa olevan valkoisia. Harva näistä latinoista on samalla tavalla valkoisia vaan heistä monet omaavat myös mustien ja intiaanien geeniperimää. Monissa Latinalaisen Amerikan maissa huomattava osa ihmisistä sanoo olevansa valkoisia, mutta näiden maiden osalta se taitaa osaltaan tarkoittaa, että ulkonäkö poikkeaa selvästi intiaaneista ja mustista. Yhdysvalloissa tulee todennäköisesti myös laajentumaan, mitä tarkoittaa valkoinen etnisyys, että jatkossa myös selvästi eksoottisemman ulkonäön omaavia pidetään valkoisina ja tämä tulee aiheutumaan osaltaan sekarotuisten tai monietnisten parisuhteiden takia. Tuolla MyFreeCams sivustolla voi ainakin havaita, että osa naisista vaikka olisivat ulkonäöltään vähän eksoottisia tai latinoita kertovat profiilissa olevansa kaukaasialaisia.

Sitä on sanottu, että näistä latinoiden ja valkoisten välisistä parisuhteista huomattava osa on oikeastaan ulkonäöllisesti pitkälti valkoisten välisiä, että kun puhutaan sekarotuisten parisuhteiden määristä Yhdysvalloissa jää helposti monelta huomaamatta, että kyse ei ole samalla tavalla sekarotuisesta parisuhteesta, jos esim. valkoinen pariutuu mustan kanssa. Voisi sanoa, että yksi kriteeri sekarotuiselle parisuhteelle on siinä, että lasten ulkonäkö ei vastaa kunnolla vanhempia ja yleensä valkoista vanhempaa. Tähän liittyen luin joku päivä sitten Skin Care Talk keskustelupalstan ihonvärin vaalennusosiota ja siellä yksi henkilö toi esille mielenkiintoisen näkemyksen kuinka media antaa vääränlaisen käsityksen mulattien ulkonäöstä, koska hän on nähnyt monta valkoista naista, joilla on ollut pitkälti mustilta näyttävät lapset.

Länsimaissa on varsinkin eurokeskinen kauneusihanne, jonka seurauksena voisi ajatella enemmän niiden mulattien pääsevän julkisuuteen, jotka eivät näytä liian paljon afrikkalaisilta. Tämän seurauksena syntyy todennäköisesti ihmisille vääränlainen käsitys mulattien ulkonäöstä, että monelle tulee yllätyksenä, jos mulatti näyttää Halle Berry:n sijasta pitkälti mustalta afrikkalaiselta, jolla on leveä nenä, prognatismia, kähärä tukka, tumman ruskea ihonväri ja on muutenkin pitkälti samannäköinen kuin musta isä. Suurin yllätys taitaa kuitenkin tulla eurooppalaisille miehille, jos alkavat tekemään eurokeskisemmäksi ulkonäön muuttaneiden mustien naisten kanssa lapsia, koska mustat miehet eivät yhtä paljon muokkaa ulkonäköään.
The intermarriage rate among blacks is somewhat lower; about one-in-six (17%) newlywed blacks married non-blacks. Less than one-in-ten whites (9%) married someone who is not white, the lowest among all groups.


white/Hispanic couples accounted for more than four-in-ten (43%), white/Asian couples made up 14% and white/black couples made up 12%.


Black men are more than twice as likely as black women to marry someone outside their race, and the reverse pattern holds true for Asian men and women.


It found that after 10 years of marriage, interracial marriages that are most vulnerable to divorce involve white females and non-White males (with the exception of white females/ Hispanic white males) relative to white/white couples.


Yhdysvaltojen väestörakenne vuonna 2012 - White 62,8% - Hispanic 16,9% (65,7% white) - Black 12,3% - Asian 4,9% - Other 3,1%
Lähde - Lähde 2

Population structure of US HispanicsNative American origins from whole-genome and exome data
White men marry Asian women more frequently than White women marry Asian men (Fryer, 2007). We suggest that Whites’ intermarriage with Asians may, in part, reflect racial stereotypes that shape perceptions of attractiveness. In this investigation, we argue that the stereotypes that Asians are feminine and unmasculine are applied more strongly to those whose appearance is more prototypically Asian. This theory suggests that Whites will perceive women who look more Asian as being more desirable than those who have less prototypical appearances, and Whites will see prototypically Asian men as less attractive than their less racially prototypical counterparts.


Goff et al. (2008) found that Blackness is associated with maleness; for example, more stereotypically Black physical movement was associated with higher masculinity ratings.


We sought to examine the role of stereotyping in interracial attraction. We suggested that gendered racial stereotypes portray Asians as being particularly feminine, which is considered attractive for women, but not for men (Rennels, Bronstad, & Langlois, 2008; Rhodes, 2006). Study 1 provided evidence that both male and female Asians are in fact stereotyped as being feminine and unmasculine; Asians were rated as being more feminine and less masculine than Blacks and Whites, and Asians as a group were perceived as being more feminine than masculine.
In the US and UK, more Black men are married to White women than vice versa and there are more White men married to Asian women than vice versa. Models of interracial marriage, based on the exchange of racial status for other capital, cannot explain these asymmetries. A new explanation is offered based on the relative perceived facial attractiveness of the different race-by-gender groups.


Whatever the perceptions of attractiveness, it seems that people still tend to marry within their own races. For example, in the UK 0.24% of white females marry black males, and the corresponding percentage for the US is 0.56%. Since blacks make up roughly 1/10 of the population in the US, then if race was not an issue, we'd expect white females to marry black males about 10% of the time; the empirical figure is about ~20 times lower.

So, what this study shows is that while intra-racial marriage is still the norm, black males have an easier time overcoming the racial barrier compared to black females, and Asian females compared to Asian males.

The paper does not seem to present any facial attractiveness data, although it does present an analysis to discount an alternative hypothesis based on stature differences. According to that hypothesis, Asian females outmarry more easily than Asian males because Asians are shorter, and women tend to marry taller men than themselves.
You referred to the research of Michael Lewis as a counter argument. His work is poor. Ellis and He have made an attempt to account for a large body of evidence, and I have added to their argument. Conclusions drawn from a wide body of literature are more likely to be reliable. Lewis would have a difficult time fitting his research within the wider body of observations, whereas it is an easy matter to fit his data within the picture that emerges from most observations and publications on the topic.


The marriage or sexual partner disparities are easily explained within the wider body of observations. Men place a high premium on women’s attractiveness, and will end up with the most attractive women they can obtain. A corollary is that white men married to non-white women will on average have lower mate value.

White women who marry non-white men also on average have lower mate value. In an analysis of dating profiles, slender or normal-weight white women were nearly seven times more likely to exclude black men as dates compared to overweight white women. Contrast this with the prediction of Lewis’ model that white women married to black men are expected to have above average attractiveness. Lewis appears unaware of the real world.

The lower mate value of white women sexually involved with non-white men, especially blacks, is also evident in lower intelligence and worse mental health (see this and this). The partner choices of those with lower mate value have more to do with compromise and less with preference compared to those having higher mate value.
The urging by interracial couples to be accepted as “normal” couples may present as challenging if problems arise in the relationship; especially if those “problems” are of an abusive or violent nature. Drawing on semi-structured, in-depth interviews we analyze the experiences of White women in abusive intimate relationships with men of color. We query the struggles of the women negotiating these relationships and explore the responses the women receive by family, friends, the general public, and workers in the criminal justice system and social and medical services. We argue that White women abused by men of color face additional challenges because of outsiders' disapproving views of the interracial nature of the relationships.